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Rishi Sunak’s national service plan faces backlash from ex-military chiefs and Tory figures



Sunak’s proposal for mandatory national service draws sharp criticism, further complicating the conservative party’s election campaign

Rishi Sunak‘s pledge to reintroduce national service for 18-year-olds has sparked significant criticism from former military leaders and Tory figures. The proposal, announced as part of Sunak’s election campaign, has been labelled “bonkers” by some, raising concerns about its feasibility and impact on the UK’s defence budget.

Sunak’s plan involves mandatory national service, where young people would spend a year in the military or engage in volunteer work on weekends. He defended the proposal by citing the success of similar schemes in other countries, which he claimed are fulfilling for young people. However, Adm Alan West, a former chief of the naval staff, condemned the idea, stating that it would drain resources from the defence budget. “We need to spend more on defence, and – by doing what he’s suggesting – money will be sucked out of defence,” Lord West said.

Richard Dannatt, a former chief of the general staff, echoed this sentiment, describing the proposal as “electoral opportunism.” He emphasized the considerable costs involved in terms of trainers and infrastructure, which he argued could not simply be imposed on the armed forces. “The costs of this would be considerable in terms of trainers and infrastructure. This task cannot just be imposed on the armed forces as an extra thing to do,” he added.

Michael Portillo, a former defense secretary, warned that the policy could harm the Conservative Party’s reputation for fiscal responsibility. He expressed doubts about whether the policy had been thoroughly thought through or if the necessary consultations with the armed services and charities had taken place. “It represents an increase in public expenditure and that’s very important because it puts the Conservatives on the back foot,” Portillo told GB News.

The proposal also drew criticism from within the government. Just two days before the announcement, Defense Minister Andrew Murrison stated that the government had no plans for national service in any form, arguing that it would do more harm than good. In a written parliamentary response, Murrison explained that placing potentially unwilling recruits with professional soldiers could damage morale, recruitment, and retention. If kept separate, finding meaningful roles for temporary recruits would be challenging, potentially harming motivation and discipline.

John Healey, the shadow defence secretary, dismissed the proposal as an undeliverable distraction from the Conservative Party’s failures in defence over the past 14 years. He pointed out that the party had consistently missed recruitment targets, underfunded the armed forces, and reduced the British army to its smallest size since the Napoleonic Wars. “Since 2010, Tory ministers have missed recruitment targets every year, hollowed out and underfunded our armed forces, and cut the British army to its smallest size since Napoleon. It’s time for change. Britain will be better defended with Labour,” Healey said.

Kevan Jones, a former Labour defence minister, called the plan an “ill-thought-out and expensive election gimmick” that would not enhance national security. Some Tory MPs supported the policy but criticized its communication. One MP remarked, “We’ve made something bold but actually incremental sound insane.”

Addressing concerns about the proposal, Home Secretary James Cleverly clarified that no teenagers would be imprisoned for avoiding mandatory national service. Conservative estimates suggest the policy would cost £2.5 billion annually by the end of the decade. They plan to fund this by cracking down on tax avoidance and extending the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The Conservatives have proposed setting up a royal commission to examine international examples of national service, such as in Norway and Israel. This commission would design incentives for young people to complete a year in the military, including fast-track interviews for civil service and large employers.

The Liberal Democrat defence spokesperson, Richard Foord, criticized the plans for a royal commission, saying, “As Suella Braverman once said, when you’re in a hole, keep digging.” Nigel Farage, the honorary president of Reform UK, dismissed the proposal as a “joke” and “totally impractical,” suggesting it was an attempt to appeal to his voter base.


Rishi Sunak’s proposal for mandatory national service has sparked a multifaceted debate, drawing criticism from military leaders, politicians, and public figures. This controversy highlights several important perspectives on the implications of such a policy.

From a political standpoint, the proposal appears to be an attempt to appeal to voters with a bold, patriotic initiative. However, the backlash from military experts and former defence officials suggests that the plan lacks practical grounding. Critics argue that the proposal undermines the Conservative Party’s reputation for fiscal responsibility and strategic defence planning. The swift condemnation from prominent figures like Adm Alan West and Michael Portillo underscores the perceived disconnect between the policy’s ambitions and its logistical feasibility.

Economically, the proposed national service program raises significant concerns about funding and resource allocation. The estimated cost of £2.5 billion annually would require substantial financial commitments, potentially diverting funds from other critical defence needs. This economic burden is particularly contentious given the Conservative Party’s traditional emphasis on fiscal prudence. Critics argue that the policy could strain the defence budget, already under pressure to meet various operational demands.

Sociologically, the idea of mandatory national service touches on broader themes of civic duty and social cohesion. Proponents argue that such a program could foster a sense of national unity and shared purpose among young people. However, the practicality of integrating untrained volunteers into the military structure poses challenges. The potential impact on morale and discipline within the armed forces is a key concern, as highlighted by Defense Minister Andrew Murrison.

From a psychological perspective, the proposal’s emphasis on national service as a fulfilling experience for young people aligns with developmental theories on the benefits of structured, purposeful activities. However, the coercive nature of mandatory service may counteract these potential benefits, particularly if young people perceive the requirement as an imposition rather than an opportunity.

Gender and race perspectives also warrant consideration. The policy’s implementation must ensure equitable treatment and opportunities for all participants, regardless of gender or racial background. The success of such a program would depend on its ability to address and accommodate the diverse needs and aspirations of young people across the country.

Media and communication theories highlight the role of public perception and narrative framing in shaping the policy’s reception. The immediate negative reaction from military leaders and Tory figures, amplified by media coverage, has framed the proposal as poorly conceived and impractical. Effective communication and stakeholder engagement are crucial for garnering support for such initiatives, and the current backlash suggests a failure in these areas.

In conclusion, Rishi Sunak’s national service proposal has sparked a complex debate encompassing political, economic, sociological, psychological, and media perspectives. The widespread criticism reflects concerns about the policy’s feasibility, funding, and impact on the armed forces. As the Conservative Party navigates this controversy, the broader implications for their election campaign and public perception remain to be seen.


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