Friday, October 18, 2024
Friday October 18, 2024
Friday October 18, 2024

Nightmare on Bolton streets: Local rubbish dump becomes ‘disgusting eyesore’



Councillor and residents demand action as fly-tipping horror grows

A residential area in Bolton has become the focal point of a mounting nightmare, with locals branding the surge in fly-tipped rubbish as “the stuff of nightmares.” The alleyway between Back Willows Lane South and Back Dijon Street has turned into an eyesore, hosting an alarming assortment of discarded items, including shopping trolleys, plastic bottles, and decomposing food waste.

Local resident and Green Party council candidate, Alan Johnson, expressed shock at the deteriorating state of the area. Having not passed by for several weeks, Johnson described the scene as “the stuff of nightmares.” Despite consistent efforts with weekly litter-picking rounds, the refuse continues to accumulate, posing a significant challenge for both residents and local authorities.

Johnson is now urging the council to take decisive action, calling for the installation of CCTV cameras to identify and penalize the culprits behind the ongoing fly-tipping spree. “What residents want is to find out who the culprits are,” Johnson emphasized, expressing the toll the situation is taking on the community, deeming it “soul-destroying.”

Concerned about the environmental and health impacts, Johnson suggested that councillors should play a role in educating the public about responsible waste disposal practices. “Councillors should educate people on what they can do, can’t do, and shouldn’t do, and support them to get on top of it,” he asserted. He further proposed that the council examine the dumped black bin bags for any information that could lead to identifying the perpetrators.

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Mia Ahmadi, another local resident, voiced her apprehension about walking her dog near the rubbish dump, fearing her pet might ingest the decaying waste. She called for prompt action to clean up the area and endorsed the idea of installing CCTV cameras for effective surveillance.

The Bolton Council acknowledged the severity of the issue and revealed that they are actively investigating the illegal waste dumping. A request for a cleanup has been made, and while the area is notorious for fly-tipping, recent fines totaling £3,000 have been imposed on offenders. Despite this crackdown, residents and local figures are determined to ensure a lasting solution to the problem.



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