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Saturday October 5, 2024
Saturday October 5, 2024

A claims lack of lucidity in court after admitting to stuffing girlfriend’s body in suitcase



John Poulos testifies in Colombian court over death of Colombian DJ Valentina Trespalacios

John Poulos, an American man accused of killing his 23-year-old girlfriend Valentina Trespalacios, testified in a Colombian court, claiming he ‘wasn’t completely lucid’ when he allegedly found her lifeless body in their bed and subsequently stuffed her body into a suitcase.

Poulos and Trespalacios had met on a dating app and had been in contact daily for nine months before the tragic incident. Poulos stated that on the night of her death, he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs and did not recall the events clearly.

Upon waking up, Poulos claimed to have found a zip tie wrapped tightly around Trespalacios’ neck, leading to her death from ‘mechanical asphyxia’ or ‘strangulation’. He stated that he tried to wake her up, but she did not respond, and he discovered she had a sex toy around her neck.

Devastated by the loss of someone he loved, Poulos admitted to putting Trespalacios’ body in a suitcase and disposing of it in the garbage before fleeing the country. He was later detained in Panama.

Poulos also claimed there was evidence of drug use on the night of Trespalacios’ death, including videos and a toxicology report showing drugs in her system, but the judge did not deem this evidence admissible in court.

Poulos could face up to 50 years in prison if convicted of femicide, the charge associated with killing women in South America. He expressed regret over his actions, stating, “If I go to prison, I’m likely to be killed there.”

The case highlights the tragic consequences of drug use and the importance of mental clarity in dealing with challenging situations.


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