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Monday May 20, 2024

Emmerdale writer Jack Deslandes joins EastEnders team, signals new chapter



Jack Deslandes bids emotional farewell to Emmerdale, embraces new creative role at EastEnders

Jack Deslandes, a prominent writer for the ITV soap “Emmerdale,” has officially moved to its BBC rival, “EastEnders,” where he now contributes as a writer and storyliner. This transition marks a significant shift in his career and brings fresh perspectives to the beloved BBC soap. Deslandes’ final contributions to “Emmerdale” aired last week, closing a chapter filled with memorable storylines and character developments.

Reflecting on his tenure at “Emmerdale,” Deslandes shared his experiences and achievements in a heartfelt blog post. He expressed a mix of nostalgia and excitement, likening his departure to watching an ex-partner succeed from afar. Deslandes detailed his evolution as a writer, from initially struggling to manage six-episode arcs to handling significant scenes and storylines. His journey through the ranks of “Emmerdale” was marked by rapid learning and professional growth, which he now brings to “EastEnders.”

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At “EastEnders,” Deslandes joins a team eager to integrate his storytelling skills and fresh ideas. His arrival comes at a time when the soap is looking to innovate and deepen its narrative impact. “EastEnders” fans can expect new twists and enriched character arcs, as Deslandes applies his seasoned expertise to the streets of Walford.

Deslandes’ move is significant in the landscape of British soaps, where writers often become as much a part of the show’s identity as the actors themselves. His switch from “Emmerdale” to “EastEnders” not only highlights his personal growth but also underscores the ongoing rivalry and dynamic between the two popular soaps. Both programs compete not just for viewership but also for critical acclaim, each striving to outdo the other in storytelling and audience engagement.

As Deslandes settles into his new role, the anticipation builds among viewers and industry insiders alike. His track record of compelling and engaging narratives promises to bring a fresh dynamism to “EastEnders.” Fans of both soaps will be watching closely to see how his influence shapes future episodes and possibly shifts the balance in this ongoing rivalry.


Politically, the move of a key creative talent like Jack Deslandes from “Emmerdale” to “EastEnders” reflects the competitive nature of the television industry, where shows often vie for the best talents to maintain or boost their ratings and appeal. Socially, this transition highlights the impact that behind-the-scenes figures have on popular culture and public sentiment, shaping narratives that resonate with and reflect societal issues.

Sociologically, the shift underscores the fluid dynamics within creative industries, where movement between teams can lead to significant changes in product output and team dynamics. Psychologically, it represents a moment of significant change for Deslandes and both teams, indicating a period of adjustment and opportunity.

As “EastEnders” incorporates Deslandes’ creative vision, it will be intriguing to observe how his influence might alter the show’s direction or rejuvenate its storytelling approach, potentially attracting a new demographic or re-engaging existing audiences


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