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Ghana toddler becomes world’s youngest male artist at 1 year and 152 days



Ace-liam Nana Sam Ankrah, not yet two years old, sets a world record with his paintings, inspiring parents worldwide

Accra – Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah, a toddler from Ghana, has achieved a remarkable milestone, becoming the world’s youngest male artist at just 1 year and 152 days old. His mother, Chantelle Kukua Eghan, an artist and founder of Arts and Cocktails Studio in Accra, recounted the serendipitous beginning of her son’s artistic journey when he accidentally discovered her acrylic paints at six months old.

Eghan, 25, sought a way to keep her son occupied while she worked on her paintings. She spread out a canvas on the floor, added paint, and watched as Ace-Liam crawled through the colours, creating his first piece, aptly titled “The Crawl.” Encouraged by this happy accident, Eghan continued to nurture her son’s interest in painting, guiding him through more creative endeavours.

Last June, Eghan decided to apply for the Guinness World Record. By November, the organization informed her that Ace-Liam needed to exhibit and sell his paintings to break the existing record. She organized his first exhibition at the Museum of Science and Technology in Accra in January, where nine out of ten pieces sold. Though she declined to disclose the sales figures, the exhibition marked a significant step towards official recognition.

Guinness World Records confirmed Ace-Liam’s achievement last week, stating, “At the age of 1 year 152 days, little Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah from Ghana is the world’s youngest male artist.” The overall record for the youngest artist is held by India’s Arushi Bhatnagar, who had her first exhibition at 11 months old and sold her first painting for 5,000 Rupees ($60) in 2003.

Despite the accolades, Eghan remains focused on ensuring that painting remains a joyful and educational activity for her son. Ace-Liam, who turns two in July, continues to paint regularly in his dedicated corner of his mother’s studio. His sessions often last only a few minutes, but his attention to detail and enthusiasm are evident.

Eghan shares that becoming a record holder has not drastically changed their lives, but she hopes the recognition will inspire other parents to discover and nurture their children’s talents. “He is painting and growing and playing in the whole process,” she says, emphasizing the importance of fostering a supportive and enriching environment for young creatives.

Ace-Liam’s story exemplifies the unexpected ways in which children’s talents can emerge and flourish. It also underscores the significant role parents and caregivers play in recognizing and encouraging these early signs of potential. Eghan’s proactive approach in providing her son with the tools and opportunities to explore his creativity serves as a model for other parents.


Ace-Liam’s achievement as the world’s youngest male artist presents several interesting perspectives. From a sociological standpoint, his story highlights the vital role of early childhood development in identifying and nurturing talents. Research has shown that the early years are crucial for cognitive and emotional development. Eghan’s intuitive decision to let her son play with paints exemplifies how providing stimulating environments can foster creativity and skill development.

Economically, the art world often views child prodigies with significant interest. Ace-Liam’s early success could potentially translate into economic opportunities, both for him and his family, as his work gains more attention. However, Eghan’s decision to keep “The Crawl” within the family rather than sell it also underscores the importance of preserving personal and familial value over commercial gain.

Locally, Ace-Liam’s recognition brings a spotlight to Ghana’s burgeoning art scene. It shows the world that significant talent can emerge from anywhere, encouraging investment and interest in local art communities. This visibility can help promote cultural exchange and enhance the global perception of Ghanaian art.

From a psychological perspective, Eghan’s nurturing approach ensures that painting remains a positive and stress-free activity for Ace-Liam. This balance is crucial to prevent burnout and maintain the joy of creativity, a challenge often faced by young prodigies in various fields. Eghan’s focus on allowing her son to paint at his own pace and interest reflects best practices in child development, emphasizing the importance of play and exploration.

Gender perspectives also come into play as Eghan’s support of her son challenges traditional gender roles and expectations. It demonstrates that artistic talent and expression are not confined to any gender and encourages a more inclusive approach to nurturing talents in children.

Finally, from a cultural standpoint, Ace-Liam’s story brings attention to the rich artistic traditions within Ghana. It serves as a reminder of the country’s cultural heritage and the contemporary expressions that continue to evolve from these traditions. His recognition by Guinness World Records not only celebrates his individual talent but also honours the cultural context from which he emerges.

In conclusion, Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah’s achievement as the world’s youngest male artist is more than a personal milestone. It offers insights into the importance of early childhood development, the economic potential of young talents, and the cultural significance of nurturing creativity. His journey serves as an inspiration and a call to recognize and support the hidden potential in children everywhere.


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