Monday, September 23, 2024
Monday September 23, 2024
Monday September 23, 2024

Warning for video gamers – excessive volume and duration could lead to hearing loss



Doctors Caution Against Permanent Damage from Loud Sounds, Urging Safe Listening Practices

Video gamers, beware! The thrill of virtual worlds and intense gaming experiences could come at a significant cost – your hearing. Doctors are sounding an alarm about the potential risks of prolonged gaming sessions with loud volumes, especially for those using headsets or headphones.

Long, droning sounds like car engines or sudden bursts such as gunfire or explosions may lead to permanent hearing loss or tinnitus – the perception of phantom ringing or buzzing noises. Dr. Lauren Dillard from the Medical University of South Carolina in the US emphasizes the need for caution, stating, “Video gaming is common worldwide, and people often play at high-intensity sound levels and for several hours at a time. This is important because it’s possible to prevent hearing loss and tinnitus by safe listening practices.”

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In a review published in the BMJ Public Health, Dillard examined 14 studies related to gaming and sound levels. The findings revealed that people, on average, played for three hours per week. Games commonly played at an average of 85 to 92 decibels, with bursts reaching up to 119 decibels. Prolonged exposure to sounds louder than 85db, equivalent to a hairdryer or lawnmower, can cause irreversible hearing damage. This limit is even lower for children.

Dr. Dillard’s research emphasizes the importance of raising awareness among gamers regarding the potential risks associated with high-volume gaming. The younger demographic, who may be oblivious to the loudness levels, is particularly vulnerable. With over 70% of UK individuals aged 12 to 24 playing games weekly, the need for preventive measures is crucial.

Franki Oliver from UK hearing loss charity RNID adds, “If you use gaming headsets or headphones, it’s really important not to exceed safe volume limits. Younger people may not realize how loud the volume is, so it’s a good idea to encourage regular breaks and turn the volume down.”

Gamers, protect your virtual victories and safeguard your hearing – moderation and safe listening practices are the keys to a sound gaming experience.



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