Saturday, September 28, 2024
Saturday September 28, 2024
Saturday September 28, 2024

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Tag: Wildlife

Manatee Mother and calf shine in Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 highlights

Dr Jason Gulley's conservation success story from Florida receives high praise in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 competition

Dolphin attacks on beachgoers in Japan: Lonely dolphin causes series of aggressive encounters

Dolphin attacks on beachgoers in Japan: Sexually frustrated dolphin linked to over 45 injuries in Wakasa Bay since 2022

Humpback whales join an elite group of tool-using animals with an ingenious ‘bubble net’ technique

A recent study reveals that humpback whales not only use but also skillfully craft complex 'bubble nets' to enhance their hunting efficiency, marking them as one of the few species capable of tool creation

Rare red squirrel sighting in Scotland’s central belt sparks conservation hopes

A red squirrel was spotted in Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire, marking one of the most southerly sightings in Scotland's central belt in decades

Adam Britton: The trusted crocodile expert turned notorious animal abuser

Once a revered figure in wildlife conservation, Adam Britton's horrific crimes of animal abuse and exploitation stunned the world, leading to his lengthy imprisonment

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