Friday, September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024

Browse articles

Tag: Real Life

Daring prison escape in France: Gunmen free convict ‘the fly’ in fatal ambush

Two prison guards killed as gunmen liberate drug dealer Mohamed Amra in a violent breakout in northern France, sparking a nationwide manhunt

Australian woman pleads not guilty to poisoning ex-husband’s family with deadly mushrooms

Erin Patterson faces multiple murder and attempted murder charges after allegedly serving toxic mushrooms at a family lunch

Genetically modified pig kidney transplant recipient dies after two months

Rick Slayman, the first recipient of a genetically modified pig kidney, has died nearly two months post-surgery, leaving a legacy of hope in pioneering medical science

Embracing the unexpected: A reluctant mother’s journey to joy

From initial reluctance to profound love, one mother shares her transformative experience of motherhood and its hidden heroism

Baby born deaf hears unaided after groundbreaking gene therapy in Cambridge

Gene therapy enables opal sandy, the youngest patient to receive the treatment, to hear for the first time despite a rare genetic condition

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