Sunday, July 7, 2024
Sunday July 7, 2024
Sunday July 7, 2024

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Tag: Health

Intermittent fasting and protein pacing enhance weight loss and gut health, study finds

Arizona State University research shows that combining intermittent fasting and protein pacing leads to better weight loss and improved gut health compared to calorie restriction alone

Mediterranean diet tied to 23% lower risk of death in landmark 25-year study

Brigham and Women's Hospital researchers reveal long-term benefits of the Mediterranean diet, linking it to significant reductions in mortality among U.S. Women through positive metabolic and inflammation changes

Signs your body is telling you that you’ve had too much fibre, according to an RD

Abdominal pain, gas, and other GI issues could indicate you've overdone your fibre intake, experts say

Family in US contracts parasitic disease after eating bear meat, CDC reports

Six people were diagnosed with trichinellosis after consuming undercooked black bear meat, highlighting the dangers of improper meat preparation

5 supplements that may be secretly harming your health

Popular supplements like weight loss pills and vitamin E can pose serious health risks, from liver damage to increased cancer risk

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