Sunday, June 30, 2024
Sunday June 30, 2024
Sunday June 30, 2024

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Tag: Health

Scientist calls for tobacco-style warnings on ultra-processed foods

Prof carlos monteiro advocates for warnings and taxes on ultra-processed foods due to health risks

First child successfully treated with brain implant for epilepsy

Groundbreaking clinical trial in the uk shows promising results with a new implantable device significantly reducing seizures in children with severe epilepsy

Oats for weight loss: Fact or fiction? Experts share insights

Discover how oats can aid in weight loss and the best ways to incorporate them into your diet, according to nutrition experts

Breakthrough study reveals 7 foods essential for boosting brain health

A recent study identifies key foods crucial for enhancing cognitive function and overall brain health

Q. What habit do you currently practice that you wish you had adopted earlier?

Reflecting on my journey, I wish I had realized earlier the transformative power of writing about my day, feelings, tasks, and finances. This simple habit has dramatically improved my life's quality. By listening to audiobooks and podcasts whenever possible, I've become an active listener, which has boosted my confidence and creativity. Prioritizing my health through regular exercise, better nutrition, and proper sleep has made me feel stronger, both mentally and physically. These changes have significantly enhanced my mental resilience, allowing me to face challenges with newfound confidence.

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