Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Tuesday September 17, 2024
Tuesday September 17, 2024

Browse articles

Tag: Australia

Australian power and gas companies rally for climate targets amid political divide

Industry stakeholders advocate for maintaining labour's 2030 climate target, emphasizing economic imperatives and environmental concerns amidst political tensions

Millions of Australians warned against ‘double dipping’ on work-from-home claims for tax time 2024

Business reporter nassim khadem cautions taxpayers to avoid duplicating claims, maintain detailed records, and refrain from early tax return lodgment

Governor presents Honours at 2024 Australia Day Honours Investiture

65 Western Australians recognised in King’s Birthday 2024 Honours list for exceptional service and achievement

Immigration directive overhauled by Andrew Giles, prioritizing community safety

Andrew Giles introduces Direction 110 as a replacement for the controversial "Direction 99," emphasizing community safety and addressing concerns regarding non-citizen deportations

Accused killer Greg Lynn apologizes to campers’ families but denies murder

Greg Lynn, the accused double murderer, expresses remorse to the families of the victims but maintains his innocence in the trial

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