Friday, September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024

Rick Ross hits back hard at claims his luxe watch is a sham



The rap mogul goes toe-to-toe with a watch whizz over the authenticity of his million-dollar bling

Rick Ross, the rap powerhouse behind hits like ‘Purple Lamborghini’, is spitting fire over accusations that his lavish $3 million Audemars Piguet watch is a counterfeit. The drama unfolded after Nico Leonard van der Host, a well-known figure in the watch analysis world and YouTube personality from the Netherlands, cast doubts over the authenticity of Ross’s prized green timepiece, alleging it’s a well-crafted imitation.

Ross, who’s no shrinking violet when it comes to showcasing his high-end bling on platforms like Instagram, was left seething. Van der Host’s bold claim came via an Instagram post that questioned why the rapper would flaunt a phony version of such an exclusive piece, pointing out that the real McCoy is so rare, with only a couple known to exist due to the rarity of the stones and the complexity of its design.

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The watch pundit didn’t stop there; he even posted a photo of one of the legitimate Audemars Piguet watches to underline his point, directly challenging Ross to explain the discrepancy. “Why are you flaunting a fake watch and saying that watch is worth $3.25 million, man? I thought you had to be an example for the youth etc. Mate, load of balls, get your act together. This is pathetic,” van der Host lambasted on his Instagram.

Ross, never one to take such slights lying down, fired back with gusto. He didn’t just rebut the accusation; he launched a personal tirade against van der Host, focusing on the expert’s physique and belittling his credibility, all while questioning the audacity of doubting a Black man’s ability to secure such an exquisite piece.

“For the little fat guy in the one-cubicle office speaking on watches, speaking on Rick Ross and his Audemars, it’s unbelievable isn’t it, fat guy? Little piglet,” Ross retorted on his Instagram Stories. The rap titan further taunted van der Host, suggesting the critic was overly fixated on him, and advised him to mind his own business.

While Ross didn’t directly address the authenticity of the watch in question, he swiftly shifted focus to his other flamboyant assets, notably his impressive collection of luxury vehicles, perhaps to underscore his capability to afford genuine extravagances.

This clash of titans between Ross and van der Host has sent ripples through the realms of celebrity, entertainment, and fashion, with fans and followers eagerly watching to see if the truth about the watch’s authenticity will eventually be time-tested.


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