Saturday, September 21, 2024
Saturday September 21, 2024
Saturday September 21, 2024

Ex-Scientologist reveals Church’s $2.5 million harassment ordeal



Jon Atack opens up about the relentless campaign waged against him by the Church of Scientology after his departure

In a shocking revelation, former Scientologist Jon Atack disclosed that the Church of Scientology spent a staggering $2.5 million solely on harassing him following his exit from the organization. Atack, who has since become an expert on authoritarian cults and an author, shared his harrowing experience with LADBible TV, detailing the extent of the church’s campaign to target him.

According to Atack, the harassment persisted daily for 16 years after he left Scientology and began speaking out against it. He described the church’s tactic of “noisy investigation,” which involved compiling a list of everyone he knew, including personal and professional contacts, and then reaching out to them with insinuations of a criminal background. This intrusive approach extended to his family members, with his brother-in-law even engaging with the church’s representatives.

The campaign against Atack was not only invasive but also defamatory, as the church spread unfounded and damaging rumours about him. “It was put about that I was a recovered heroin addict, a rapist, that I’d attempted murder, I’d molested children,” Atack recounted, emphasizing that these allegations were entirely fabricated and are typical of the stories told about critics of Scientology.

The lengths to which the Church of Scientology went to harass Atack were extraordinary, with the organization hiring a private investigator to track down individuals who knew him in the UK and Australia. It was only after the defection of the head of the church’s harassment division, following a conversation with Atack, that he learned the full extent of the financial resources deployed against him.

The impact of the church’s relentless campaign was devastating for Atack. He experienced not only financial ruin, due to legal battles in both America and the UK, but also the collapse of his marriage and a severe decline in his physical health. It took him 17 years to recover and rebuild his life to a point where he could stand up again.

This alarming account sheds light on the extreme measures taken by the Church of Scientology to silence and discredit its critics, raising serious concerns about the organization’s practices and the lengths it will go to protect its image.


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