Friday, September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024

Jackpot fiasco: Lucky lady lands $43 million, gets steak dinner instead of winnings from casino



In a jaw-dropping twist, Katrina Bookman’s dreams of a $42.9 million jackpot at Resorts World Casino in Jamaica, Queens, turned into a bizarre ordeal. After hitting what seemed to be the largest slot machine jackpot in US history, Bookman’s celebration was cut short when the casino claimed a malfunction.

In a wild turn of events, Bookman, who took a selfie with the machine in sheer excitement, was initially told to return the next day, only to be informed that she had, in fact, won a paltry $2.25 due to a supposed malfunction. The New York State Gaming Commission cited the machine’s disclaimer, stating that malfunctions void all pays and plays, leaving Bookman with a fraction of what she believed was a life-changing sum.

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As a goodwill gesture, the casino offered Bookman a complimentary steak dinner, a far cry from the fortune she thought she had won. The casino’s spokesperson, Dan Bank, explained that the machine malfunction was confirmed by the gaming commission, and the correct amount, as per the printed ticket, would be paid to Bookman.

Unconvinced, Bookman’s lawyer filed a lawsuit the following year, challenging the casino’s claim of a malfunction as “ridiculous.” The lawyer questioned the inspection and maintenance of the machine, raising concerns about fairness for previous players. The case was eventually settled out of court.

Reflecting on the ordeal, Bookman, who faced disappointment after being raised in foster care and supporting four children as a single mother, expressed her primary concern: “All I could think about was my family.” The saga serves as a cautionary tale of fleeting fortunes and unexpected twists in the glittering world of slot machines.



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