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Sunday June 30, 2024

Preserved shoes of 3,000 children murdered in Auschwitz return to memorial display



After a year-long preservation effort, shoes testify to holocaust horrors at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Over 3,000 shoes belonging to children who perished in the Auschwitz concentration camp have been meticulously preserved and returned to their place of commemoration at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum. The preservation effort, undertaken at the Auschwitz Museum Conservation Laboratories, spanned more than a year, ensuring these poignant artefacts survive for future generations to bear witness.

Before undergoing preservation, these shoes faced significant deterioration risks, including discolouration, corrosion from metal components, and the fragility of the leather itself. These challenges threatened to diminish their historical significance and symbolic value in remembering the atrocities of the Holocaust.

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To address these preservation challenges, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation initiated a fundraising campaign in September 2023, aimed at raising $500,000. The International March of the Living organization spearheaded the campaign, rallying global support and exceeding the fundraising goal within months, thanks to contributions from thousands of individuals worldwide.

Eitan Neishlos, founder of the Neishlos Foundation and a third-generation Holocaust survivor, made a substantial initial donation to kickstart the conservation project. Speaking about the importance of preserving these artefacts, Neishlos emphasized their role in combating Holocaust denial and distortion, especially in light of rising antisemitism globally.

Dr. Shmuel Rosenman, Chairman of the March of the Living, highlighted the historical and educational significance of the project. He noted that preserving these shoes not only honours the memory of the children who perished but also ensures that future generations can actively engage with and learn from this poignant history.

Wojciech Soczewica, Director General of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation, expressed optimism that the success of this conservation effort will pave the way for future projects, particularly in educating younger generations about the Holocaust and its enduring lessons.


Political Perspective: Politically, the preservation and display of these shoes at Auschwitz-Birkenau underscore the ongoing importance of historical memory and the commemoration of victims in shaping national and international narratives. Governments and political leaders often use such commemorations to emphasize the dangers of extremism, racism, and antisemitism, promoting values of tolerance and remembrance.

Social Perspective: From a societal standpoint, the return and preservation of the children’s shoes resonate deeply as symbols of innocence lost during the Holocaust. They serve as poignant reminders of the human cost of genocide, prompting discussions on ethics, morality, and the responsibilities of societies to remember and learn from history. Socially, they reinforce the collective obligation to combat discrimination and hate, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society.

Racial Perspective: The event resonates with racial dynamics, highlighting the targeted persecution of Jewish children during the Holocaust. It underscores the consequences of racial prejudice and the devastating impact of systemic discrimination. The shoes symbolize the racialized violence perpetrated by Nazi ideology, prompting reflections on contemporary racial justice movements and the ongoing fight against racism worldwide.

Gender Perspective: Gender dynamics are evident in the shoes’ preservation, as many belonged to young girls whose lives were cut short by gender-blind persecution. Their stories emphasize the intersectional vulnerabilities faced by women and children during genocidal campaigns, challenging societies to address historical and present-day injustices through a gender-sensitive lens.

Economic Perspective: Economically, the fundraising campaign and preservation efforts highlight the global community’s willingness to invest resources in preserving cultural heritage and historical memory. It reflects economic solidarity in safeguarding invaluable artefacts against degradation and ensuring they remain accessible for educational purposes, thereby contributing to cultural tourism and Holocaust education initiatives.


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