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Friday September 27, 2024
Friday September 27, 2024

Rahul Gandhi rejoins parliament’s defence committee, Kangana Ranaut debuts on IT panel



Rahul Gandhi continues in defence committee; actor-politician Kangana Ranaut makes her parliamentary debut in the Information Technology standing committee

Rahul Gandhi, the Congress MP and Leader of the Opposition, retains his position in Parliament’s Standing Committee on Defence, continuing his role from the previous Lok Sabha. His presence in this influential committee, which oversees critical matters related to India’s defence and security, was reaffirmed on Thursday with the release of a notification by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat.

Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut, the BJP’s first-time MP and renowned Bollywood actor, has been appointed to the Standing Committee on Information Technology (IT). This marks her debut in a parliamentary role beyond the Lok Sabha. The IT Committee holds substantial influence over issues like digital communications, data privacy, and social media regulations. Ranaut’s appointment places her alongside other notable figures, including BJP MP Nishikant Dubey, who chairs the committee. In the previous Lok Sabha, Dubey famously replaced Congress leader Shashi Tharoor as the head of the IT Committee after a dispute regarding Facebook’s hate speech policies.

The Defence Committee, in which Gandhi continues his role, will be chaired by BJP MP Radha Mohan Singh. Gandhi’s continued participation in the committee ensures that Congress maintains a strong voice on defence matters. The Congress party will also lead several other key committees, including External Affairs, chaired by former Foreign Minister Shashi Tharoor. Other committee chairs from Congress include Digvijaya Singh, who will head the committee on Education, Women, Children, Youth, and Sports, while Charanjit Channi, ex-Chief Minister of Punjab, will lead Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Food Processing. Saptagiri Sankar Ulaka is set to chair the committee on Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.

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Other prominent members joining Kangana Ranaut in the IT Committee include Samajwadi Party’s Jaya Bachchan and Shiv Sena’s Priyanka Chaturvedi, representing different facets of opposition leadership. Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra, whose disqualification in the last Lok Sabha session garnered significant attention, also joins the IT Committee. This grouping of high-profile opposition leaders and ruling party representatives sets the stage for dynamic debates and discussions on India’s evolving digital landscape.

The formation of these committees is part of India’s parliamentary structure, where standing committees act as ‘mini-parliaments.’ Each committee consists of members from both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha and serves to monitor and review the functioning of the ministries related to their jurisdiction. These committees ensure that parliamentary oversight extends beyond sessions, allowing for a more continuous check on the executive’s actions.

Among the BJP’s key leadership roles in other committees, Bhartruhari Mahtab has been appointed chair of the prestigious Finance Committee, a significant position in overseeing India’s economic policies. Other notable appointments include Radha Mohan Das Agrawal leading the Home Affairs Committee and former Union Ministers Anurag Thakur and Rajiv Pratap Rudy chairing Coal, Mines, and Steel, and Water Resources, respectively.

As India’s political landscape continues to evolve, the new appointments, including Gandhi’s continued involvement in defence and Ranaut’s entrance into the IT space, indicate shifting priorities and emerging voices in critical national discussions.



The reappointment of Rahul Gandhi to the Defence Committee signals Congress’s sustained focus on national security and defence matters, despite the party’s position as the opposition. Gandhi’s experience in the previous Lok Sabha with this committee allows for continuity in the party’s strategic oversight on defence-related issues, which will be crucial given ongoing regional tensions and India’s defence modernization efforts.

Kangana Ranaut’s appointment to the IT Committee reflects the BJP’s strategy of involving new voices in crucial areas like digital policy. As a prominent public figure and political newcomer, her presence brings attention to the IT Committee, which will continue to tackle key issues such as data protection, digital governance, and social media regulation. Given the past controversies in this space, her role could be seen as part of the BJP’s attempt to bring in fresh, vocal leadership on IT matters.


The involvement of high-profile figures like Gandhi and Ranaut in these parliamentary committees highlights the blending of traditional political leadership with emerging public personas. Gandhi, who represents the legacy of the Congress party, continues to bring his focus on governance, while Ranaut’s debut marks the entry of popular culture into parliamentary politics, as she leverages her influence as an actor to impact digital policy.

The participation of actors Jaya Bachchan and Priyanka Chaturvedi on the same IT Committee as Ranaut brings together prominent personalities with different political ideologies and social backgrounds, which may foster dynamic exchanges on key social media and digital freedom issues. With digital space increasingly intertwined with free speech, social justice, and misinformation debates, this committee is likely to be at the heart of significant legislative action.


While race is not a predominant issue in this context, the representation of diverse political and regional backgrounds across the committees suggests a broader inclusivity in India’s parliamentary process. Both Gandhi and Ranaut represent different parts of India’s cultural and political spectrum, reflecting the diversity that characterizes India’s legislative landscape.


The appointments of Kangana Ranaut, Jaya Bachchan, and Priyanka Chaturvedi to the IT Committee underscore a growing female presence in key parliamentary roles. The active involvement of women leaders in discussions on information technology, data privacy, and communication governance reflects an important shift toward gender inclusivity in policy-making areas that are traditionally male-dominated. Their voices will contribute to shaping policies that address gendered experiences in the digital world, such as online harassment and cybercrime against women.

On the other hand, the leadership of men in defence, finance, and home affairs committees indicates that there is still significant room for increasing women’s representation in traditionally male-dominated fields like security and economics.


With Bhartruhari Mahtab leading the Finance Committee and Rahul Gandhi maintaining his role in the Defence Committee, the upcoming parliamentary session will likely see significant attention on the country’s economic and defence strategies. India’s economic health, affected by global inflationary pressures and domestic challenges, will need careful monitoring and intervention, while the Defence Committee will continue to oversee key military modernization programs.

Kangana Ranaut’s role on the IT Committee is also relevant to India’s economic future, as digital transformation plays a central role in economic growth. Policies surrounding data regulation, digital markets, and online platforms directly impact the economy’s digital and technology sectors, which are growing rapidly.


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