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Thursday September 19, 2024
Thursday September 19, 2024

Starmer wins praise at TUC, while winter fuel allowance debate exposes Tory disarray



Keir Starmer’s address to the TUC is met with cautious optimism, as Tory MP Mel Stride’s handling of the winter fuel allowance debate highlights internal party struggles and lacklustre support

In a notable departure from recent practice, Prime Minister Keir Starmer addressed the Trades Union Congress (TUC) for the first time since Gordon Brown in 2009. His appearance was well-received, albeit with a mixture of polite applause and reserved enthusiasm. Starmer’s speech echoed familiar themes: criticizing past Conservative fiscal policies, acknowledging the current economic challenges, and pledging Labour’s commitment to worker rights and public services.

Starmer’s address, marked by its focus on the “tough choices” necessitated by a £22 billion budget deficit, earned him a standing ovation from the union audience. Despite the goodwill, Starmer’s speech was a routine recital of Labour’s economic narrative, and the unions are eager to see how his promises translate into policy.

Back in the House of Commons, the debate on the winter fuel allowance revealed deep fractures within the Conservative ranks. Mel Stride, the MP leading the debate, struggled to rally support for the government’s position on reducing the benefit. His performance highlighted the Conservatives’ internal discord and lack of coherent strategy.

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Stride’s attempt to justify the cut was undermined by his lacklustre delivery and the overall disarray within the party. His call for Labour MPs to vote according to their conscience seemed to fall flat, as many Labour members either abstained from the vote or found reasons to avoid participating altogether. The debate saw numerous absences among Labour MPs, with some citing personal reasons while others remained conspicuously absent from the chamber.

In the aftermath, Liz Kendall attempted to defend the government’s position, though her remarks were marked by confusion and contradictory statements about the purpose of the cut. Her insistence that the cut was about means-testing, rather than saving money, further muddied the waters.

The actual vote on the winter fuel allowance was largely a formality, with only one Labour MP, Jon Trickett, voting against and 53 others abstaining. The debate then resumed on the same topic, leaving many observers questioning the effectiveness and coherence of the government’s position.

Stride’s performance and the chaotic handling of the winter fuel allowance issue underscore the current turmoil within the Conservative Party, contrasting sharply with the more united front presented by Labour under Starmer’s leadership.


In a speech to the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer signalled the need for “tough decisions on the horizon” regarding pay, asserting that his government will not compromise on its mandate for economic stability. Addressing the congress in Brighton, Starmer emphasized that while his policies aim to balance support for both business and workers, financial constraints inherited from the previous Conservative government necessitate difficult choices on spending.

Following Labour’s election victory in July, the government had introduced above-inflation pay rises for certain sectors to address ongoing strikes. However, Starmer cautioned that future pay adjustments would be influenced by economic realities, reflecting a cautious stance on further pay increases amid economic challenges.

Union leaders had mixed reactions to Starmer’s speech. Gary Smith, head of the GBM union, welcomed the above-inflation pay awards but urged that they should be just the beginning of more comprehensive reforms. In contrast, Daniel Kebede from the National Education Union criticized Starmer for not presenting a transformative vision, suggesting the government’s approach may lead to worsening conditions for workers before improvements are seen.

Starmer advocated for a “politics of partnership” between government, business, and workers, aiming to dispel notions that unions and business interests are inherently opposed. He highlighted Labour’s commitment to enhancing workers’ rights, including protections against unfair dismissal, improved parental leave, and measures to curb exploitative zero-hour contracts. However, he faced criticism from some business leaders and the Conservative opposition, who expressed concerns about the impact of these reforms on employment and business costs.

At the congress, delegates endorsed a wealth tax on the richest 1% to support public services, while Starmer also faced criticism over planned cuts to winter fuel payments for pensioners.


Sir Keir Starmer addressed the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in Brighton, marking the first appearance by a Labour prime minister at the conference since Gordon Brown in 2009. Despite a standing ovation, Starmer faced a challenging reception and left the conference quickly to attend to pressing parliamentary issues.

In his speech, Starmer acknowledged the economic difficulties inherited from the Conservatives, emphasizing that while Labour supports workers, difficult decisions on pay are necessary to maintain economic stability. He stressed that pay increases might be limited, a message that drew criticism from union leaders who expected more substantial commitments. Gary Smith of the GBM union found the current above-inflation pay increases positive but saw them as insufficient. Daniel Kebede of the National Education Union criticized Starmer for failing to present a transformative vision and warned of worsening conditions for workers.

Starmer’s speech included a strong focus on “working people,” repeating the phrase 19 times to underscore Labour’s commitment to addressing workers’ needs. He also called for a “politics of partnership” between government, business, and unions, aiming to dispel the notion of conflict between these groups. However, some business leaders and Conservatives expressed concern over Labour’s proposed reforms, fearing they might negatively impact business costs and hiring.

The prime minister’s swift exit from the TUC was partly due to the looming parliamentary vote on cutting winter fuel payments, a contentious issue that could spark rebellion among his backbenchers. Starmer’s return to Westminster highlighted the ongoing challenges his government faces, balancing union expectations with economic constraints.


Keir Starmer’s initial political honeymoon is officially over, marked by growing discontent among Labour supporters and union leaders. Voters who anticipated significant change after 14 years of Tory rule are disillusioned by Starmer’s recent policies, notably the controversial decision to cut winter fuel payments for pensioners. This move, which aims to save £1.5 billion, has sparked widespread criticism and led to a sharp decline in Labour’s approval ratings—from 73 percent in July to 50 percent by early September.

Critics argue that this decision reflects a broader strategy of aligning with big business and the wealthy rather than addressing the needs of ordinary workers. The decision has drawn ire from union leaders like Sharon Graham of Unite, who accused Starmer of pursuing the “wrong economic path” and called for a wealth tax on the richest individuals instead.

Additionally, Starmer’s approach has been compared to the legacy of Tony Blair, particularly with the involvement of Alan Milburn, Blair’s former health secretary known for advancing NHS privatization. Milburn’s influence, despite his unofficial role, is seen as a troubling sign of Labour’s drift towards market-oriented reforms. Health Secretary Wes Streeting’s defence of Milburn and his focus on privatization principles have raised concerns about the future direction of the NHS under Labour.

The tensions between Starmer’s government and union leaders, combined with criticism from within his party and the broader public, underscore a challenging period for Labour. Despite the initial optimism of Starmer’s leadership, his administration now faces significant resistance as it grapples with economic and social policy decisions.


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