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Friday September 27, 2024
Friday September 27, 2024

Tories narrow gap to labour as Sunak declares election not a foregone conclusion”



A new poll shows conservatives closing in on labour, with Sunak emphasizing the potential for a close race

In a significant development ahead of the upcoming election, a new poll indicates that the Conservative Party has narrowed Labour’s lead to 15 points, marking the smallest gap recorded by the pollster in a month. The survey, conducted by Savanta for the Telegraph, reveals Labour at 39 per cent, up one percentage point, while the Conservatives have risen to 24 per cent, a three-point increase. Reform UK stands at 13 per cent, down one point, and the Liberal Democrats at 10 per cent, also down one point.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has seized on this momentum, asserting that the election outcome is not a “foregone conclusion.” Speaking in Oxfordshire, Sunak emphasized the importance of every vote, suggesting that a shift of just 130,000 votes could prevent Labour from securing a supermajority. “The outcome of this election is not a foregone conclusion. If just 130,000 people switch their vote and lend us their support, we can deny Starmer that supermajority,” Sunak stated.

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The Prime Minister’s remarks come amid widespread speculation about Labour’s potential for a commanding majority in Parliament. Sunak cautioned against what he described as an unaccountable “supermajority,” urging traditional Conservative voters to remain loyal to their party. “A Labour government would be bad for our country, and an unchecked Labour government would be a disaster from which it would take decades to recover,” he warned.

The recent poll from Savanta suggests a narrowing gap as election day approaches. This shift in voter intention indicates that the Conservatives might mitigate the extent of their losses, avoiding what some feared could be an electoral obliteration. The poll highlights that Labour’s lead, while substantial, is not insurmountable.

During June, the Conservatives experienced a dip in support, coinciding with Prime Minister Sunak’s controversial early departure from D-Day commemorations. Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage, saw a surge in popularity during the same period, reaching 16 per cent in a Savanta poll. However, the latest figures show a decline in Reform UK’s support, with the Conservatives regaining ground.

If these polling results are replicated on election day, seat modelling by Electoral Calculus projects Labour to secure a majority of over 200 seats, leaving the Conservatives with fewer than 100 MPs. This scenario underscores the high stakes of the election and the potential for significant shifts in the political landscape.

In his campaign efforts, Sunak is expected to highlight Conservative values and the importance of maintaining a balanced political system. He has criticized Labour’s proposals, such as extending the voting franchise to 16 and 17-year-olds, as moves that could entrench Labour’s power base.

Meanwhile, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has acknowledged the challenges ahead, should his party win the election. Speaking at Hitchin Town Football Club, Starmer outlined the “very difficult inheritance” Labour would face after 14 years of Conservative governance. He pledged to make tough decisions to move the country forward and improve public services and the economy.

Starmer addressed concerns about his popularity, emphasizing his commitment to delivering tangible improvements. “In five years’ time, we will be able to look back and say: ‘You are truly better off, your public services are working properly, and the economy is working for everyone,’” he stated.


Political: The narrowing gap between the Conservatives and Labour highlights the dynamic nature of political campaigns and voter sentiment. Politically, this development suggests that while Labour remains ahead, the Conservative Party’s efforts to regain support are having an impact. Sunak’s emphasis on the unpredictability of the election outcome serves to mobilize his base and highlight the importance of every vote. This tactic aims to prevent voter complacency and encourage participation, which could be crucial in a closely contested race.

Social: Socially, the election dynamics underscore the polarized nature of British politics. The framing of the election as a battle against an unaccountable “supermajority” reflects deeper societal concerns about power concentration and democratic accountability. Voter turnout and engagement will likely play a significant role, with both parties striving to appeal to diverse demographic groups. The public’s response to campaign messages around stability, change, and governance will shape the electoral outcome and reflect broader societal priorities.

Racial: Racially, the election highlights ongoing discussions about representation and inclusivity. Policies proposed by Labour, such as extending the voting age, may resonate with younger and more diverse voters. The election’s outcome could impact policy directions on issues like immigration, social justice, and equality. Both parties will need to address the concerns of minority communities and demonstrate a commitment to inclusive governance to secure broader support.

Gender: Gender dynamics are also at play in the election. The focus on issues such as public services and economic recovery can significantly affect women, who are often disproportionately impacted by policy decisions in these areas. Labour’s emphasis on improving public services may appeal to female voters, while the Conservatives’ focus on economic stability and security might resonate differently. Gender representation within the parties and their policies on issues such as childcare, education, and healthcare will be critical in attracting female voters.

Economical: Economically, the election is set against a backdrop of significant challenges, including economic recovery post-pandemic, inflation, and public spending. Labour’s promises to improve public services and address economic disparities will need to be balanced against the practicalities of budget constraints and fiscal responsibility. The Conservatives’ focus on preventing an unchecked Labour government reflects concerns about potential policy shifts that could impact business confidence and investment. The economic policies and promises made by both parties will be scrutinized by voters concerned about their financial future and economic stability.


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