Monday, September 23, 2024
Monday September 23, 2024
Monday September 23, 2024

Man who spent a record 100 days underwater reveals surprising effects on his body



Ex-navy diver shares insights into underwater experience, highlighting both positive and negative impacts

Joseph Dituri, a retired navy diver, made headlines after spending an incredible 100 days underwater in a high-pressure bunker in the Atlantic Ocean, setting a new record. His unique experience has shed light on the remarkable effects, both positive and negative, that prolonged underwater immersion can have on the human body.

During his time in the bunker, Dituri reported experiencing significant health benefits, including what he described as astonishing anti-ageing effects. Upon his release from the chamber, he found that his extrinsic age, a measure of biological ageing, had decreased from 44 to 34 years old. This phenomenon, he explained, was attributed to the lengthening of his telomeres, which are protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that shorten as cells age.

However, along with these remarkable changes, Dituri also faced some negative consequences. He noticed that he had shrunk by three-quarters of an inch and had cracked a tooth during his time underwater. These effects were attributed to the immense pressure he experienced in the chamber, which compressed his body.

Despite these challenges, Dituri remains positive about his experience, stating that the benefits outweigh the negatives. He emphasized that his body went into a “self-healing” stage while underwater, leading to the reported anti-ageing effects.

Scientists and researchers are intrigued by Dituri’s case, noting that while the science behind these effects is not yet fully understood, there is potential for further research into the use of high-pressure environments for therapeutic purposes.

Dituri’s extraordinary journey underwater has sparked interest in the scientific community, offering new insights into the effects of extreme environments on the human body and opening up possibilities for future research and exploration.


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