Monday, September 23, 2024
Monday September 23, 2024
Monday September 23, 2024

Amateur paleontologist unearths magnificent dinosaur skeleton in French forest



Damien Boschetto’s serendipitous discovery of a titanosaur shocks the scientific world

In a remarkable twist of fate, a man’s casual stroll with his dog in the forests of Montouliers, Southern France, led to the discovery of an extraordinarily well-preserved dinosaur skeleton. Damien Boschetto, a palaeontology aficionado, unearthed the remains of a titanosaur, a species known for its long neck and colossal size.

The adventure began when Boschetto noticed bones protruding from a cliffside during a routine walk with his dog, Muffin. His curiosity piqued, and he embarked on a two-year excavation journey, meticulously uncovering the dinosaur’s skeleton. The find was astonishing—a 30-foot-long titanosaur, with 70% of its structure intact.

Speaking to ABC News, Boschetto shared his awe at the discovery: “It was a morning like any other, during an ordinary walk. The area around Cruzy is known for its rich fossil deposits, but finding dinosaur remains is exceptionally rare in Europe.”

The significance of the find was not lost on Boschetto, who realized the rarity of unearthing such a complete dinosaur skeleton on the continent. The bones, initially thought to be isolated, were soon discovered to be connected, painting a clearer picture of the ancient creature.

For two years, the excavation site was shrouded in secrecy, guarded by Boschetto and members of the Archaeological and Paleontological Cultural Association. Their dedication paid off, as the 70-million-year-old skeleton is now set to be a highlight at the Cruzy Museum.

Francis Fage, the museum’s founder, praised Boschetto’s keen eye: “It’s incredibly rare to find such a specimen. Many have walked past this site for decades without noticing anything.”

The discovery has inspired Boschetto to pivot his career path. Leaving his job in the energy sector, he is now pursuing a Master’s degree in Paleontology, with hopes of continuing his collaboration with the Cruzy Museum.

Titanosaurs, the behemoths of the Cretaceous period, were plant-eating dinosaurs renowned for their lengthy necks. While the average length of a titanosaur stretched to about 85 feet, Boschetto’s find, at 30 feet, is a testament to the diversity within the species.


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