Friday, September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024

Emotional confrontation unfolds as Natalia Grace’s adoptive father claims they are both victims



The curious case of Natalia Grace continues in a riveting follow-up documentary

In a gripping continuation of the Natalia Grace saga, the adoptive father, Michael Barnett, asserts that they are both victims in the upcoming documentary, The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks. The Ukrainian orphan faces Michael once again, addressing the accusations that she posed as an adult and harbored ill intentions towards the family.

The original series captured global attention as Michael and his then-wife Kristine accused Natalia of deception and potential harm to their family. The new episodes, scheduled for early January, depict Natalia challenging Michael’s claims, insisting she was a child when adopted and denying any violent behavior towards the family.

During their intense conversation, Michael refrains from uttering Kristine’s name, referring to her as ‘the monster’ after their divorce. He alleges that both he and Natalia were victims of an extraordinary form of abuse.

“We are here because we both were incredible victims of an otherworldly type of abuse,” Michael asserts.

He goes on to make startling allegations about Kristine, describing how he felt controlled, belittled, and threatened. Michael claims his ex-wife stripped away his identity, forcing him to conform to her desires.

“I was exceptionally controlled and put down and threatened, was minimalized,” he reveals. When questioned about the threats, Michael discloses that Kristine warned she would take away his three biological sons.

Despite claiming to be controlled by Kristine, Michael remains tight-lipped about whose idea it was to change Natalia’s age to 22, making her a legal adult. After this alteration, Natalia, who has dwarfism, was sent to live alone in an apartment.

In the documentary, Natalia points fingers at both Kristine and Michael, accusing them of ruining her life. She refers to Michael as an ‘accomplice’ while labeling Kristine as the ‘real monster.’

The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks is set to premiere across three consecutive nights on Investigation Discovery, beginning Monday, January 1, airing nightly from 9-11 PM ET/PT.


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