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Sunday October 6, 2024

The 5 am club: Early Rising, health, and Happiness—My Week in the Dawn Hours



Exploring the phenomenon of early morning routines and their impact on productivity and well-being

Venturing into the predawn streets of Camden, Anita Chaudhuri embarks on a quest to unravel the mystique of the 5 am club. Inspired by luminaries like Tim Ferriss and driven to seize the day before the world awakens, Chaudhuri explores whether the early morning ritual truly holds the key to enhanced health, productivity and happiness.

Her journey begins with the ethereal glow of dawn illuminating her neighbourhood, a serene backdrop disrupted only by the unexpected sounds of nature and the occasional wanderer making their way home. Amidst closed shops and deserted streets, she contemplates the dichotomy of London’s supposed non-stop vitality versus its early morning tranquillity.

Chaudhuri, not a natural early riser, undertakes this experiment in pursuit of the structured routines embraced by celebrities and entrepreneurs who swear by the 5 am start. From Jennifer Lopez to tech moguls like Mark Zuckerberg, early rising has become a hallmark of success and self-discipline, celebrated across social media and popularized by books like Robin Sharma’s “The 5 am Club”.

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Despite initial scepticism, Chaudhuri dives into the regimen—a blend of exercise, meditation, and learning—as prescribed by the club’s advocates. Her mornings begin with the blare of an alarm set to Arcade Fire’s “Wake Up”, a jolt accompanied by the realization that her waking hours are now aligned with a select group of early achievers.

However, the reality of her experiment proved more challenging than expected. Days unfold with groggy starts, battles against fatigue, and a struggle to adhere to the prescribed routines amidst a craving for more sleep and the comforts of a late evening. Coffee becomes a lifeline, meditation a soothing but fleeting respite, and productivity often eludes her grasp in the early hours.

Throughout her journey, Chaudhuri grapples with the broader implications of the 5 am phenomenon. Is early rising a pathway to heightened happiness and health, or a product of societal pressure and privilege? Russell Foster, an expert on sleep, questions the romanticization of early starts, highlighting the biological diversity in sleep patterns and the impracticality for many to maintain such schedules without sacrificing essential rest.

Despite the challenges, Chaudhuri finds insights into the experiences of those committed to the 5 am lifestyle. Individuals like Jenny Wilson and Quynh Nguyen-Dang share tales of morning tranquillity and personal accomplishment, where early hours offer solitude for yoga, meditation, and personal growth before the demands of the day unfold.


Political Perspective: The rise of the 5 am club intersects with political debates on work-life balance and productivity. Advocates argue for early rising as a means to enhance personal effectiveness and success, reflecting broader societal values of discipline and achievement. However, critics caution against the inherent privilege and impracticality of imposing such rigid schedules on diverse populations.

Social Perspective: Socially, the 5 am club underscores cultural perceptions of success and self-discipline. Celebrities and influencers portray early rising as a hallmark of dedication and wellness, influencing social norms around productivity and lifestyle choices. Yet, the pressure to conform to these ideals can exacerbate stress and diminish individual well-being for those unable to maintain such routines.

Racial Perspective: While not explicitly racial, the 5 am club phenomenon highlights disparities in access and opportunity. The ability to adopt early-rising routines often correlates with socioeconomic status, reflecting inequalities in resources and support systems that enable or hinder lifestyle choices. Discussions around early rising thus intersect with broader conversations on equity and privilege.

Gender Perspective: Gender dynamics in the 5 am club narrative reveal varying impacts on men and women. Women, often juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, may face heightened challenges in adhering to early morning routines without adequate support or flexibility. The narrative reinforces traditional gender roles of productivity and self-care, posing unique challenges and expectations.

Economic Perspective: Economically, the 5 am club reflects patterns of consumption and leisure. The early morning industry—from fitness to technology—caters to a burgeoning market of early risers seeking wellness and productivity solutions. This trend drives innovation and investment in products and services tailored to enhance morning routines, shaping consumer behaviours and market dynamics.


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