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Thursday September 19, 2024

Embrace processed foods for weight loss: Top 10 picks recommended by dietitians



Contrary to popular belief, certain processed foods can be beneficial for weight loss. Discover dietitian-approved options that are both nutritious and convenient.

Processed foods often carry a bad reputation in health and nutrition circles, but not all processed foods are created equal. When chosen carefully, some processed foods can support your weight loss goals effectively. Dietitians have shed light on how incorporating specific processed items into your diet can be both convenient and conducive to maintaining a healthy weight. Here’s an in-depth look at the top processed foods nutrition experts recommend for those looking to lose weight without sacrificing convenience or flavour.

Understanding Processed Foods

The term “processed” simply refers to any food that has been altered from its natural state for safety reasons or convenience. This includes freezing, canning, baking, drying, and packaging. Not all processed foods are unhealthy; it depends on the ingredients and methods used in processing. The key distinction to understand is between minimally processed foods and ultra-processed foods—the latter often contain additives like sugars, oils, and salts that can be detrimental to health.

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Top 10 Processed Foods for Weight Loss

1. Canned Beans: A staple in many diets, canned beans are an excellent source of fibre and protein, both of which are essential for weight loss. They are versatile, affordable, and can be easily incorporated into meals.

2. Fortified Whole-Grain Cereal: Rich in fibre and fortified with essential nutrients like iron and folate, whole-grain cereals can be a healthy part of breakfast, especially when paired with milk or yoghurt and fruit.

3. Frozen Fruit: Packed with fibre and antioxidants, frozen fruit is a great way to enhance meals and snacks. It’s especially handy for smoothies or as a topping for cereal or yoghurt.

4. Greek Yogurt: Low-fat Greek yoghurt is high in protein and helps keep you full. It’s also a good source of calcium and probiotics, which aid in digestion and overall health.

5. High-Fiber Crackers: These are perfect for snacking or as part of a meal, providing both fibre and a crunch that can satisfy snack cravings without too many calories.

6. Hummus: Made primarily from chickpeas, hummus is another fibre and protein-rich food that can help in weight management. It’s perfect for dipping vegetables or spreading on whole-grain bread.

7. Soymilk: As a plant-based milk, soymilk is recommended by the USDA and is high in protein and often fortified with other nutrients, making it a healthy beverage choice.

8. Tofu: Tofu is a low-calorie source of protein that is extremely versatile in cooking. It can be used in a variety of dishes, from stir-fries to smoothies.

9. Peanuts: Though high in fat, peanuts are rich in protein and fibre. Eating them in moderation can actually aid in weight loss by keeping you fuller for longer.

10. Veggie Burgers: A good plant-based protein source, veggie burgers can be a nutritious part of a weight loss diet if chosen carefully (watch for added sodium or fillers).

Choosing the Right Processed Foods

When selecting processed foods, it’s important to read labels carefully. Look for products with minimal added sugars and sodium. Opt for items that list whole foods as the main ingredients and that are low in saturated fats and free from trans fats.


Incorporating these dietitian-recommended processed foods into your diet can make achieving your weight loss goals more achievable. They offer the benefits of convenience and nutrition, making it easier to maintain a healthy eating pattern even on busy days. Remember, the key to weight loss is a balanced diet combined with regular physical activity, and even processed foods, when chosen wisely, can fit into this regime.


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