Sunday, September 8, 2024
Sunday September 8, 2024
Sunday September 8, 2024

UK Government Launches £2 million ‘Flee Fund’ to aid domestic abuse victims in escaping life-threatening situations



Cash payments of up to £2,500 offered to victims to secure safe spaces; Mel b welcomes government’s continued support

The UK Home Office is introducing a £2 million “flee fund” to assist domestic abuse victims in escaping life-threatening situations.

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Starting January 31, victims can apply for a one-off grant of up to £500, designated for essential items like groceries and nappies. Additionally, victims can request cash support of up to £2,500 to find a safe place to live. Former Spice Girl Mel B, who serves as a patron of domestic abuse charity Women’s Aid, expressed her satisfaction with the government’s commitment, stating, “I am so happy the government fund for survivors of domestic abuse will continue.”

The trial, with a budget of £300,000, assisted 626 women, demonstrating the potential positive impact of such financial aid. Laura Farris, the Minister for Victims and Safeguarding, emphasized the importance of the “flee fund,” considering it pivotal in supporting victims.

Women’s Aid chief Farah Nazeer praised the fund, stating, “This will make life-changing improvements to the lives of countless adult and child survivors, allowing them to take those first steps towards a life free of abuse.”


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