Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024

Trump’s dramatic exit: Slapped with £83.3 million defamation bill in shock verdict



The former President storms out of courtroom before the hammer falls

Former President Donald Trump has been dealt a staggering blow by the courts, being ordered to pay a whopping £83.3 million in damages to E. Jean Carroll for defamatory statements. Carroll, a seasoned advice columnist, had initially sought a mere £10 million in her complaint.
The courtroom spectacle unfolded in Manhattan on Friday, with Trump’s exit stealing the spotlight even before the jury delivered its verdict. The drama reached its peak during Carroll’s lawyer’s closing arguments when Trump stormed out of the courthouse, leaving everyone in suspense.
The jury’s decision includes £11 million for reputational damage, £7.3 million for emotional harm, and a jaw-dropping £65 million in punitive damages. This comes after Trump was previously found liable for sexually abusing Carroll in the 1990s and defaming her in 2022.
Carroll, 80, alleged that Trump raped her in a New York City department store in 1996 and subsequently defamed her in public statements. Despite not being found guilty of rape in previous court proceedings, Trump was held accountable for sexual assault and defamation against Carroll.
Notably, Trump’s absence during the first trial, coupled with restrictions on his statements in the second trial, may have played a role in the jury’s decision. Judge Lewis Kaplan even threatened to lock up Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, during closing arguments.
Carroll’s victory in court was a moment of emotional triumph as the jury, consisting of seven men and two women, read the verdict. Carroll’s lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, emphasized that punitive damages were the only hope to make Trump ‘stop’ as he cares more about money than truth.

In a defiant response, Trump, 77, criticized the verdict on Truth Social, calling it a “Biden Directed Witch Hunt” and asserting that the legal system is being used as a political weapon. He plans to appeal the decision, claiming the erosion of First Amendment rights.
Trump’s lawyer, Habba, also expressed discontent, stating the verdict “reeks” and deeming it a violation of the justice system. Trump insists Carroll fabricated the accusations to sell her book, maintaining his stance that “there is no longer Justice in America.”
As the legal saga continues, Trump, undeterred by the courtroom setback, is currently vying for the GOP presidential nomination. The sketches of him at court, as noted by fans, seem to have “done him dirty,” adding a layer of public scrutiny to the ongoing spectacle.
Carroll, leaving the courthouse without addressing reporters, released a statement through her publicist, celebrating the victory as a triumph for women who stand up against adversity. The courtroom drama unfolds further, with Trump’s appeal and the political repercussions adding spice to this sensational saga.


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