Sunday, September 29, 2024
Sunday September 29, 2024
Sunday September 29, 2024

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Tag: Wildlife

Greenland sharks may unlock anti-ageing secrets for humans

Research suggests Greenland sharks' unique longevity and metabolic enzymes could revolutionize anti-ageing treatments

Hippos can become airborne, scientists discover, thanks to research at Flamingo Land

A new study reveals that hippos can achieve brief periods of airborne movement while trotting, challenging previous assumptions about their locomotion

Photographer fined for disturbing rare honey buzzard nest in Wales

John Paul Haffield was convicted for wildlife offences involving protected birds

World’s smallest elephant faces extinction with only 1,000 left in the wild

The Bornean elephant, unique to Borneo and notably smaller than its Asian cousins, is on the brink of extinction due to habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict

Runner injured by swooping buzzards in Mourne mountains

Two separate incidents prompt warnings as birds defend nests during nesting season

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