Friday, September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024

Browse articles

Tag: TikTok

Treasure hunter strikes gold: Unearths art worth a fortune in abandoned locker

A TikTok sensation turns storage unit rummage into a jackpot discovery, finding art valued at a whopping £40k!

Waitress’s TikTok rant over kids ordering food ignites fiery debate

Are children ordering their meals adorable or a recipe for chaos? Servers and parents weigh in

The top tips every iPhone user should know, according to a former Apple employee

Unlock the full potential of your iPhone with these game-changing hacks

Alarming TikTok trend “Starvemaxxing” leads young men to disordered eating

Experts and parents alarmed by a social media movement pushing extreme diet and exercise on vulnerable youth

School lunch nightmare: Viral ‘barnacle burger’ sparks outrage and legal threats from furious mum

A mother's crusade against school cafeteria goes viral after disgusting lunch offering

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