Sunday, September 29, 2024
Sunday September 29, 2024
Sunday September 29, 2024

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Tag: Space

Mysterious “spider” shapes observed on Mars by ESA’s Mars Express

Geologic features resembling spiders, created by sublimating carbon dioxide ice, were recently documented in the Martian region known as Inca City

Voyager 1 sends data back to Earth after 5-month break

NASA engineers employ creative solutions to fix communication glitch

NASA Chief highlights China’s military ambitions in space

Bill Nelson, NASA's Administrator, warns that China is using its civilian space endeavours to further its military capabilities in space

A new study rates Kepler-442b as potentially more habitable than Earth

Scientists develop an innovative index to prioritize exoplanets for habitability, with kepler-442b leading as a promising candidate for sustaining life.

Leading Astronomer critiques Elon Musk’s Mars colonization plans as a dangerous illusion

Amidst growing excitement over SpaceX's ambition to colonize Mars, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees offers a stark reality check

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