Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Tuesday September 17, 2024
Tuesday September 17, 2024

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Tag: Scientists

Water found on asteroids: A milestone discovery in solar system exploration

Scientists utilize sofia to uncover water molecules on asteroids Iris and Massalia

Gulf stream collapse could plunge northern hemisphere into deep freeze by 2025, scientists warn

Researchers issue stark warning of drastic climate shifts and rising sea levels

Water discovered on surface of two asteroids for first time, offering clues to Earth’s origins

Scientists find water molecules on asteroids Iris and Massalia, implications for Earth's history

Earth’s changing hue raises alarms among scientists

Concerns mount as satellite data reveals shifts in the planet's colour palette, prompting deeper investigations into the underlying causes

Archaeologists unearth extraterrestrial secrets in Bronze Age treasure trove

Spanish discovery reveals items crafted from meteorite material dating back to 1400 B.C.

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