Sunday, July 7, 2024
Sunday July 7, 2024
Sunday July 7, 2024

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Tag: Research

Unprecedented CO2 levels rising ten times faster than any time in recorded history

Recent study reveals rapid CO2 increase, highlighting significant implications for global climate dynamics and southern ocean absorption

Loneliness peaks in youth and old age

New study reveals U-shaped pattern of loneliness across the lifespan

Breakthrough study shows Vitamin D boosts immunity in cancer fight

Research reveals that vitamin D enhances gut bacteria, improving cancer resistance and treatment efficacy in mice

Major study highlights success of conservation efforts in slowing biodiversity loss

International research over a decade shows two-thirds of conservation actions are effective, offering hope for endangered species

Ancient corals were identified as the first bioluminescent creatures in the deep sea

A recent scientific study suggests corals from 540 million years ago were the first known bioluminescent animals, shedding new light on deep-sea communication

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