Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024

Browse articles


Putin’s unfounded claims link Ukraine to Moscow tragedy amid ISIS admission

Kremlin spreads misinformation following devastating attack 

Rubio raises alarm on ISIS-K threat at U.S. Southern border

Senator Marco Rubio warns of ISIS-K's potential to exploit U.S. Border vulnerabilities following Moscow Concert Hall attack

ISIS claims responsibility for a devastating attack at a Moscow concert venue

A harrowing night unfolds as ISIS announces it orchestrated the deadly assault on a Moscow-area concert hall, leaving at least 60 dead and scores wounded

Tragic suicide bombing strikes Kandahar, claiming lives

At least three dead and 12 injured in an attack outside a bank in Kandahar, with ISIS claiming responsibility

Former ISIS member Shamima Begum stripped of British citizenship, banned from UK

A cautionary tale: Understanding radicalization and national security

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