Saturday, September 7, 2024
Saturday September 7, 2024
Saturday September 7, 2024

Browse articles

Tag: Home Secretary

Sex offenders barred from changing names under new crackdown, Home Secretary announces

Fresh measures aimed at curbing reoffending and protecting children unveiled amid growing concerns over sexual abuse cases

Crackdown on disorderly protests: Home Secretary announces tougher penalties

Thugs face jail for using flares and refusing to remove menacing face masks

Gossip alert: Former home secretary Priti Patel urges support for Rwanda bill and puts a halt to civil servants grounding planes!

It's been nearly two years since the collaboration with Rwanda was initiated and the Nationality and Borders Act was enacted

Home Secretary James Cleverly halts unfair policy: Foreign students can now reunite with families in the UK

Ending Injustice: Cleverly Puts an End to the Unreasonable Bar on Foreign Students Bringing Loved Ones to the UK

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