Saturday, September 21, 2024
Saturday September 21, 2024
Saturday September 21, 2024

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Tag: Food

Cocoa’s heart-protecting benefits: New study reveals potential to lower blood pressure and cholesterol

Research highlights cocoa's potential health benefits, emphasizing its role in reducing cardiovascular risk markers

Welsh man’s journey: Six months without sugar or ultra-processed foods

Steffan shares his transformative journey of cutting out refined sugar and ultra-processed foods from his diet

Breakthrough study reveals 7 foods essential for boosting brain health

A recent study identifies key foods crucial for enhancing cognitive function and overall brain health

Experts recommend daily consumption of eggs for multiple health benefits

Eggs are hailed as a 'superfood' for breakfast due to their weight loss benefits, potential to stave off dementia, and rich nutritional profile

Unlocking the secrets: Why soaking mangoes before eating is a health game changer

Discover the scientific and practical benefits of soaking mangoes in water before indulging in their juicy sweetness

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