Sunday, September 8, 2024
Sunday September 8, 2024
Sunday September 8, 2024

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Tag: EU

UK enforces fresh food border checks from EU

New regulations impact EU exporters with stringent health certifications and inspections

EU urged to refocus global gateway to compete with China’s Belt and Road

An internal review calls for a strategic overhaul of the EU's global gateway initiative, targeting key regions to counter China's growing global influence.

European momentum grows for recognizing Palestinian statehood amid Gaza conflict

Spain and Ireland spearhead discussions within the EU to officially recognize Palestine, reflecting a shift in stance amidst escalating violence in Gaza

Belgium launches Investigation into suspected Russian influence in EU elections

Belgian intelligence reveals attempts by Russia to manipulate European parliament members through financial incentives

Gibraltar nears post-Brexit agreement with EU and Spain, promising eased border tensions

After extensive negotiations, Gibraltar is "very close" to securing a deal on border controls and transit, easing post-Brexit disruptions

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