Sunday, October 6, 2024
Sunday October 6, 2024
Sunday October 6, 2024

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Tag: Earth

Fourth global coral bleaching event strikes, no respite in sight

As record ocean temperatures continue, a massive global coral bleaching event is underway, impacting marine ecosystems worldwide

Melting polar ice influences Earth’s rotation and time measurement

Scientists find significant ice melt impacts the Earth's rotation speed, potentially altering global timekeeping

Close encounter: NASA tracks asteroid near Earth

NASA monitors Apollo group asteroid, averts threat to Earth

Global warming alters Earth’s rotation, impacting time measurement

Melting polar ice and core changes lead to a potential "negative leap second," a first in timekeeping history

SpaceX starship’s spectacular re-entry: A glimpse into the future of space travel

Elon Musk shares captivating footage of SpaceX's starship re-entering Earth's atmosphere, showcasing the hot plasma field generated during the descent

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