Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Tuesday September 17, 2024
Tuesday September 17, 2024

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Tag: COVID-19

CDC confirms no link between COVID vaccines and cardiac deaths in young adults

A comprehensive study by the CDC using Oregon data clears COVID-19 vaccines of causing cardiac deaths in people aged 16 to 30

GOP leaders pivot on voting strategy amid Trump’s scepticism

Embracing early and mail-in voting becomes key focus for republican officials

RFK Jr.’s presidential bid ignites a coalition of the disenchanted

Diverse voters rally around Kennedy's independent candidacy

COVID-19’s long-term impact on brain health: A closer look

New research reveals significant cognitive deficits linked to COVID-19, raising concerns about brain ageing and function

Unravelling COVID’s mysteries: Four years of scientific discovery

From Varied Immune Responses to the Quest for seasonality, insights into COVID-19 continue to grow

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