Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024

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Tag: Conflict

Gazans express gratitude to US university protesters amid Israel’s call for student expulsions

As controversy grows in the US, Gazans publicly thank American students for their support during the ongoing conflict

Protests escalate at U.S. Universities over Gaza conflict

Widespread demonstrations on American campuses are intensifying, raising issues of safety and sparking significant political and social debate

Pro-Palestinian protests disrupt traffic across major US cities

Demonstrators in key American cities blockade roads and bridges in a call for a ceasefire in the ongoing Gaza conflict

Israeli cabinet continues deliberations amid international calls for restraint following Iranian attack

As tensions in the Middle East escalate, world leaders urge a measured response to avoid further conflict

Year-long Sudan conflict devastates lives, with no end in sight

Sudanese journalist provides a poignant eyewitness account of the ongoing civil strife tearing apart her homeland

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