Sunday, October 6, 2024
Sunday October 6, 2024
Sunday October 6, 2024

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Tag: Anthony Albanese

PM warns Coalition and Greens: Double dissolution election possible if key legislation stalled

Anthony Albanese signals potential for rare double dissolution election amid Senate deadlock on major bills

Senate housing clash escalates; PM responds to second attempt on Donald Trump’s life

Amid a heated senate debate over housing policies, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese addresses a recent assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump

Elderly Australians to pay more under new aged care reforms

The Australian government, in collaboration with the coalition, introduces significant aged care reforms requiring higher contributions from new entrants

National Corruption watchdog probes MPs amidst disruptive melbourne weapons expo protests

The National Anti-Corruption Commission investigates six current or former MPs while anti-war activists disrupt a major military expo in Melbourne

Australia to implement national social media age limit in response to rising concerns

Prime Minister Albanese announces a plan to ban social media use for children

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