Saturday, September 7, 2024
Saturday September 7, 2024
Saturday September 7, 2024

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Tag: ANC

ANC welcomes Kabelo Gwamanda’s resignation as Joburg mayor

The ANC acknowledges Gwamanda’s resignation as part of a broader reconfiguration strategy, with a new mayor expected by Friday

ANC reflects on election losses: “adapt or die”

Following significant losses in the 2024 elections, the ANC's NEC emphasizes the need for renewal and addressing factionalism and ethical issues within the party

ANC and IFP forge coalition deal to lead Johannesburg City government

The African National Congress and Inkatha Freedom Party reach a crucial agreement to govern Johannesburg, marking a significant political development

South Africa’s ANC agrees to form a coalition government with the main opposition and others

The ANC, having lost its majority, reaches a broad agreement with opposition parties ahead of the parliamentary vote to reelect President Cyril Ramaphosa

The ANC faces a critical decision post-election loss that will shape South Africa’s future

Coalition talks intensify as the ANC, having lost its parliamentary majority, navigates potential alliances with DA, EFF, or MK parties

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