Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Wednesday October 23, 2024
Wednesday October 23, 2024

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Tag: Americas

Tragic protest: Man dies after self-immolation near Trump trial site

Max Azzarello, a 37-year-old from Florida, succumbed to injuries after a shocking protest act in Manhattan, spotlighting his political concerns

Mass arrests at Columbia University amid pro-Palestinian protests

Over 100 protesters were detained as Columbia University and NYPD enforced campus policies, sparking debates on free speech and student activism

Judge denies Trump’s request to delay Jan. 6 civil lawsuits amid criminal proceedings

Trump's plea for a pause on civil cases tied to January 6 activities is rejected, even as his criminal trial progresses

U.S. vetoes Palestinian full membership bid at the United Nations

Amid ongoing conflicts and diplomatic pressures, the U.S. halts Palestine's long-sought quest for recognition as a full member state of the U.N.

Rashida Tlaib criticizes U.S. Colleges for punishing anti-Israel protesters

Talib alleges colleges infringe on students' rights by penalizing them for anti-Israel protests amid escalating tensions

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