Friday, September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024
Friday September 20, 2024

Search results for - zoo

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WHO confirms first human case of bird flu in India

Patient had exposure to poultry; no respiratory illness reported among contacts, WHO says

Family in US contracts parasitic disease after eating bear meat, CDC reports

Six people were diagnosed with trichinellosis after consuming undercooked black bear meat, highlighting the dangers of improper meat preparation

Second human case of bird flu linked to cows confirmed in Michigan

Michigan dairy farm worker tests positive for H5 virus, similar to earlier Texas case, CDC reports

Australian woman pleads not guilty to poisoning ex-husband’s family with deadly mushrooms

Erin Patterson faces multiple murder and attempted murder charges after allegedly serving toxic mushrooms at a family lunch

Cloning success: Three black-footed ferrets created to boost endangered species conservation

New advancements in cloning technology are playing a pivotal role in preserving the genetic diversity of the endangered black-footed ferret.