Sunday, September 22, 2024
Sunday September 22, 2024
Sunday September 22, 2024

Nicole Kidman opts for Subaru over Lamborghini bought by their husband Keith Urban



The actress explains why she prefers a practical Subaru to the luxury Lamborghini gifted by Urban, revealing insights into their relationship

In a recent interview with Victoria Beckham for Vogue Australia, Nicole Kidman shed light on a surprising choice: she drives a Subaru instead of the Lamborghini her husband, Keith Urban, gifted her. The 57-year-old actress, known for her roles in Big Little Lies and The Hours, discussed her practical car preference, much to Beckham’s amusement.

Kidman recounted how Urban, who is passionate about cars, purchased a Lamborghini SUV for her. Despite this generous gift, Kidman revealed that she prefers driving a Subaru. “So here’s the thing. My husband bought me a Lamborghini,” Kidman said. “But I drive a Subaru and he drives the Lamborghini.” This revelation highlights Kidman’s inclination towards practicality over luxury.

Beckham, intrigued by Kidman’s choice, joked about the actress’s possible experience with the Lamborghini’s unique doors. “I love the idea of Nicole Kidman pulling up somewhere and the car doors–because they’re the car doors that go up, right?” Although Kidman clarified that the Lamborghini was an SUV rather than a sports car, she emphasized that it suited Urban better than it did her.

Urban’s enthusiasm for cars contrasts with Kidman’s more grounded approach. “I think that’s why he bought it for me…He loves fast cars, he loves any cars. That’s his thing,” Kidman explained. She drew a parallel between Urban’s background and that of Beckham’s husband, David. Both Urban and Beckham came from modest beginnings and achieved success through their hard work.

Kidman expressed deep gratitude for Urban, describing him as her source of stability amidst the volatility of the entertainment industry. “I’m so lucky that I found it. It’s such an unstable industry and he’s my solace. Every day we get up in the morning and we go for a walk–and we hold hands. We love holding hands,” she said.

The actress also shared a valuable piece of relationship advice. “So there’s the me and the you–and there’s the we. And that’s only you,” Kidman explained. “No one else has what you two create, or what Keith and I create, any married couple who are partners, any people who have chosen to be in a relationship together, we create this, so we decide what this is. If you really like the person–really love them, but really like them, too, god it helps.”

Kidman and Urban, married since 2006, have two daughters, Sunday, 16, and Faith, 13. Kidman’s previous marriage to Tom Cruise also produced two adult children, Bella, 31, and Connor, 29.



The story of Nicole Kidman’s choice to drive a Subaru over a Lamborghini offers a subtle commentary on wealth and status. While Kidman’s decision to drive a more modest vehicle contrasts with typical celebrity luxury, it does not necessarily align with broader political debates about wealth distribution or economic inequality. However, it does reflect a personal choice that stands in contrast to societal expectations of how the wealthy should live.


Kidman’s preference for a practical car over a luxury one resonates with current social attitudes towards modesty and authenticity. In a time when celebrities are often scrutinized for their material possessions, Kidman’s choice underscores a growing societal appreciation for individuals who appear grounded despite their success. Her approach to her car choice may reflect broader societal shifts towards valuing practicality and personal comfort over ostentation.


While the story does not directly address racial issues, Kidman’s narrative intersects with broader themes of success and personal identity. Urban’s background as a “Queensland boy” who built his career from humble beginnings parallels the experiences of many who strive to overcome their circumstances, regardless of race. Kidman’s acknowledgment of Urban’s journey highlights a universal narrative of overcoming adversity.


The choice of vehicle becomes a gendered discussion in this context. Kidman’s preference for a Subaru over a Lamborghini challenges traditional gender expectations related to female celebrities and luxury. It reflects a shift away from the stereotypical image of women in high-profile relationships being associated with luxury and glamour. Kidman’s decision to drive a practical car emphasizes her independence and personal preferences over societal norms.


From an economic perspective, Kidman’s choice reflects a pragmatic approach to wealth and consumption. Although owning a Lamborghini might symbolize financial success, Kidman’s preference for a Subaru highlights a more conservative attitude towards spending. This decision may influence public perception of how the wealthy manage their assets, potentially impacting the consumer behavior and attitudes towards luxury goods.



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