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Friday September 27, 2024
Friday September 27, 2024

Israeli protesters storm military bases in support of soldiers accused of detainee abuse



Far-right demonstrators clash with military police, leading to condemnation from Israeli leaders over the breach of security and law

In a dramatic escalation of protests, Israeli far-right demonstrators forcibly entered two military bases to support soldiers accused of severely mistreating a Palestinian detainee. The incident at Sde Teiman, near Beersheba, and later at Beit Lid military base, follows reports of serious abuse of a Gaza detainee, which has ignited intense reactions within Israel.

On Monday, large crowds, including members of Israel’s far-right governing coalition, gathered outside the Sde Teiman base after military police arrived to detain reservists involved in the alleged abuse. Protesters breached the base’s gates and attempted to scale fences, chanting slogans such as “we will not abandon our friends, certainly not for terrorists.” Some soldiers reportedly used pepper spray against military police.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the protest and urged for an immediate de-escalation. “The break-in was extremely serious and against the law,” Netanyahu stated, emphasizing the threat such actions pose to national security. Chief of Staff Lt Gen Herzi Halevi also condemned the breach, highlighting the risks it poses amid ongoing conflict.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant stressed the importance of allowing the investigation into the soldiers’ conduct to proceed without interference, asserting that the law must be upheld even in times of heightened emotions. Despite this, some Israeli politicians, such as Itamar Ben-Gvir, the far-right national security minister, criticized the detention of the reservists, calling it “shameful.”

The allegations against the soldiers include serious sexual abuse and physical injury of a suspected Hamas fighter, captured in Gaza. Reports indicate that the detainee was hospitalized due to severe abuse, including injuries to his anus that left him unable to walk. The Israeli military has launched an inquiry into these claims.

The protests at the bases underscore the broader tensions within Israeli society regarding the treatment of Palestinians, particularly those detained following the recent escalation of conflict with Hamas. Allegations of systematic abuse at Sde Teiman, including claims of detainees being shackled and mistreated, have fueled widespread criticism and calls for reforms from human rights organizations.

Since the October 7 Hamas attack, Israeli authorities have detained thousands of Palestinians, often without legal representation. Human rights groups, including Amnesty International, have condemned what they describe as “rampant torture” and indefinite detention of Gaza Palestinians, further straining relations and prompting international concern.



The protests and subsequent breach of military bases highlight deep political divisions within Israel regarding the treatment of Palestinians. The far-right demonstrators’ actions and the support from some politicians reflect ongoing polarization over military conduct and detainee rights. Netanyahu’s condemnation and the call for calm emphasize the government’s struggle to balance internal dissent with national security concerns.


The incident exposes significant social tensions surrounding Israel’s treatment of Palestinian detainees. The breach at military bases and the far-right support for the accused soldiers signal a broader societal divide over issues of justice, military conduct, and human rights. The public reaction to the abuse allegations and the government’s response will likely influence social dynamics and perceptions of justice in Israel.


While the immediate context involves allegations of abuse against Palestinian detainees, the racial and ethnic dimensions are inherent in the broader conflict. The treatment of Palestinians by Israeli forces often intersects with issues of racial and ethnic discrimination, contributing to international and domestic scrutiny.


Gender is not the primary focus in this specific case, though the allegations of sexual abuse are significant. The broader implications of military and prison abuse can affect all detainees, including women, highlighting systemic issues within the detention and justice systems.


The incident may impact Israel’s international standing and relations with human rights organizations, potentially affecting economic and diplomatic interactions. Ongoing scrutiny and condemnation could influence foreign investment and relations, particularly if abuse allegations lead to sanctions or other economic repercussions.


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