Friday, October 18, 2024
Friday October 18, 2024
Friday October 18, 2024

Appeal launched after rare hen harrier disappears in Forest of Bowland



Conservationists fear illegal killing as satellite tag on rare bird ceases transmission, prompting a police investigation.

Concerns are mounting after the sudden disappearance of a rare hen harrier named Helius, whose GPS transmitter stopped transmitting in the Forest of Bowland. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has launched an appeal for information, fearing the bird may have been illegally killed.

Helius, a young female hen harrier who hatched last summer, was being tracked by conservationists after being fitted with a satellite tag in her nest. The tag allowed the RSPB to monitor her movements, which included a significant presence within the Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Helius had settled in the United Utilities estate, where she successfully raised a brood of five chicks this summer.

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However, on 31 July, her tag transmitted her location near the boundary of the United Utilities estate between Brennand Fell and Tarnbook Fell. The following day, the signal ceased, raising suspicions. Despite extensive searches by Lancashire Police and the National Wildlife Crime Unit, no trace of Helius or the transmitter has been found.

Hen harriers are among the UK’s rarest breeding birds, known for their striking “sky-dancing” displays during courtship. Their numbers have dramatically declined due to illegal persecution, particularly in areas associated with driven grouse shooting. Despite efforts to protect them, this year saw only 25 successful nests in England, down from 36 in 2023, while scientists believe the country could support more than 300 pairs.

Howard Jones, Senior Investigations Officer at the RSPB, expressed deep concern over the situation. “When a tag suddenly stops transmitting without malfunction, it’s highly suspicious. We suspect human interference in Helius’ case, which is sadly not an isolated incident. The ongoing persecution of hen harriers is devastating for the species.”

The RSPB has been tagging hen harriers for over a decade to support conservation efforts, but illegal killings remain a significant threat. In 2023, 34 tagged birds either disappeared or were confirmed killed under suspicious circumstances, the highest number recorded so far. Many of these incidents were linked to areas managed for grouse shooting, where harriers are most at risk.

Detective Inspector Mark Harrison of the National Wildlife Crime Unit reinforced the importance of public assistance. “Crimes involving birds of prey, especially hen harriers, have no place in modern society. We urge anyone with information to come forward, as these crimes severely impact wildlife conservation.”

The RSPB is calling on anyone who finds an injured or dead bird of prey in suspicious circumstances to report it to the police by calling 101 or by submitting information through the RSPB’s online platform.


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