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Friday July 5, 2024
Friday July 5, 2024

George Galloway’s bombshell return to parliament rocks Rochdale



For Gaza! Galloway’s triumph amid labour chaos leaves Rochdale stunned

In a twist that’s taken Rochdale by storm, George Galloway has dramatically clinched the by-election victory, marking his audacious return to the Commons. The election, which became a talking point nationwide, saw the Workers Party of Britain leader claiming victory with a battle cry for Gaza, igniting a wave of reactions across the political spectrum.

George Galloway’s win was anything but ordinary, with the by-election itself sparked by the sad departure of Labour’s Sir Tony Lloyd. Labour’s internal strife took centre stage when their new pick, Azhar Ali, was sidelined after a controversial recording surfaced, leaving the field wide open for Galloway’s unexpected comeback.

Amidst his victory speech, Galloway faced down a heckler branding him a “climate change denier”, a moment overshadowed by chants of support that resonated through the crowd. His speech didn’t shy away from controversy, targeting Keir Starmer and signalling a major shake-up for Rochdale’s local Labour leadership.

But it wasn’t just about local politics. Galloway’s gaze is firmly set on broader horizons, with vocal commitments to Gaza’s plight, local healthcare, and saving Rochdale’s football club marking his agenda. His victory, however, has not been without its detractors. The Campaign Against Antisemitism expressed deep concerns over his return, given his polarising stance on Israel and allegations of antisemitism, which Galloway denies.

The by-election’s ripple effects were felt far and wide, with David Tully, the surprise independent runner-up, and the Conservative’s Paul Ellison trailing behind. Meanwhile, Simon Danczuk’s attempt to switch allegiances to Reform UK barely made a dent in the polls.

Galloway’s political journey has been anything but conventional. From his Labour days, expulsion over the Iraq war critique, to his memorable Celebrity Big Brother stint, he’s consistently been a figure of contention and conversation.

As Rochdale wakes up to this new chapter, the ramifications of Galloway’s win are set to unfold. With promises of a “grand alliance” and bold local initiatives, all eyes are on how this maverick politician will navigate his latest political reincarnation. Amidst the cheers and jeers, one thing’s for certain: Rochdale’s political landscape has just been given a jolt it won’t soon forget.


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