Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024

Chancellor Rachel Reeves to appoint COVID corruption tsar in bid to recover £2.6 billion



Rachel Reeves plans to tackle Covid-related fraud by appointing a commissioner to recover billions lost to fraudulent contracts and schemes during the pandemic

Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to make a high-profile appointment within the coming weeks, bringing in a dedicated commissioner to investigate and recoup billions lost to Covid-related fraud. This initiative aims to spotlight and address governmental waste linked to the pandemic, particularly focusing on an estimated £7.6 billion of fraudulent activity.

The commissioner’s primary task will be to work alongside HMRC, the Serious Fraud Office, and the National Crime Agency to scrutinize the misuse of public funds. The targeted amount for recovery is £2.6 billion, believed to have been lost through various fraudulent schemes and mismanaged contracts during the pandemic.

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The new commissioner will lead an investigation into a range of issues, including business loans and grants, erroneous claims for furlough support, and abuses of the “eat out to help out” scheme initiated by former Chancellor Rishi Sunak. The role will involve close collaboration with the Department of Health and Social Care to ensure a comprehensive review of pandemic-related expenditures.

Reeves is expected to announce the appointment to Parliament, emphasizing the importance of recovering funds that she asserts should have been used to support public services. “I will not tolerate waste,” Reeves is poised to declare. “I will treat taxpayers’ money with respect and return stability to our public finances.”

The chancellor is likely to place significant blame on Sunak for the financial mismanagement, particularly highlighting the vast sums spent on ineffective personal protective equipment (PPE). Reeves plans to criticize the former administration for approving billions in contracts that failed to meet the NHS’s urgent needs.

The previous government faced intense scrutiny over its pandemic-era procurement practices. Critics pointed to the suspension of standard procurement processes and the controversial creation of a “VIP lane” for PPE contracts, which allegedly favored companies with political connections. Official reports revealed that nearly £10 billion was wasted on unusable PPE, with a large portion of the expenditure eventually written off.

Reeves’ office is preparing to publish a new audit of public finances, scheduled for release within the week. This audit is expected to provide a clearer picture of the financial impact of the pandemic and inform future fiscal policies. The chancellor will also address the public sector pay review and outline her response in a parliamentary statement before the upcoming recess. This statement is anticipated to set the date for the next budget and initiate the Office of Budget Responsibility’s forecast process.

Labour’s manifesto included promises to review sentencing for fraud and corruption and reform public procurement rules to prevent future abuse. The proposed reforms include introducing a “debarment and exclusion” regime for individuals and entities involved in defrauding the state.



The appointment of a Covid corruption tsar represents a significant political move by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, reflecting her commitment to addressing financial mismanagement and fraud during the pandemic. By focusing on recovering billions lost to fraudulent activities, Reeves is positioning herself as a champion of accountability and fiscal responsibility. This initiative also serves as a critique of the previous administration’s handling of pandemic-related expenditures, potentially impacting public perception and political dynamics.

The timing of the announcement, coinciding with the Farnborough International Airshow, underscores the chancellor’s effort to steer the political narrative towards fiscal prudence and transparency. The investigation could also influence upcoming political debates and policymaking, particularly concerning public sector spending and procurement practices.


Reeves’ move to address Covid-related fraud resonates with public sentiments about the need for accountability in the wake of the pandemic. The substantial financial losses and questionable procurement practices have been a source of frustration for many taxpayers. By taking decisive action, Reeves aims to restore public trust and demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding public funds.

The focus on recovering lost funds also highlights broader social concerns about the efficiency and integrity of government spending. This initiative could enhance public confidence in the government’s ability to manage resources responsibly and address issues of waste and corruption.


While the primary focus of the investigation is on financial mismanagement and fraud, the broader implications for racial equity are notable. Ensuring that all companies and individuals involved in fraudulent activities are held accountable can contribute to a more equitable and transparent procurement process. This approach aligns with efforts to promote fairness and integrity in public spending, benefiting diverse communities by ensuring that resources are allocated effectively.


The appointment of a commissioner to tackle Covid-related fraud also has implications for gender equity. The effectiveness of the investigation and the subsequent recovery of funds can impact gender-focused programs and services, which may have been affected by the misallocation of resources during the pandemic. By addressing these issues, the government can help ensure that future spending supports gender equality initiatives and other critical areas.


Economically, the focus on recouping £2.6 billion from fraudulent activities could have significant implications. Recovering these funds would not only help stabilize public finances but also enhance the government’s ability to invest in essential services and infrastructure. The initiative reflects a broader commitment to fiscal responsibility and efficient use of public resources, which is crucial for economic stability and growth.

Additionally, the new audit of public finances and the review of procurement practices are expected to influence future economic policies and budgeting decisions. By addressing past inefficiencies and fraud, the government aims to create a more robust and accountable financial framework, which can support long-term economic resilience and development.


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