Saturday, September 14, 2024
Saturday September 14, 2024
Saturday September 14, 2024

California men’s $30 storage unit purchase could hold unreleased death row records tapes



Tiktok duo stumbles upon potential music goldmine in unlikely storage unit discovery

Two Californian men, Alex Stevens and Andrew Cordova, recently made a jaw-dropping discovery after purchasing an abandoned storage unit for a mere $30. The duo, known for their TikTok page documenting storage unit finds, uncovered a potential treasure trove that could rewrite music history.

Stevens and Cordova typically spend around $5 on abandoned storage units, making modest profits ranging from $100 to $200. However, their latest purchase in Tracy, Northern California, took an unexpected turn.

While initial impressions from unit photos suggested a collection of clothes, the $30 unit revealed a cache of eccentric apparel, including parachute pants, fur coats, and an ancient Mac computer.

What truly astounded the pair were the over 30 master tapes labeled with ‘Death Row Records,’ hinting at the possibility of unreleased music from iconic artists such as MC Hammer, DJ Quick, and Snoop Dogg.

The duo was later contacted by individuals claiming affiliation with Death Row Records, expressing interest in purchasing the items. Though no deal has been finalized, Stevens and Cordova estimate the potential value of the discovery to be in the millions.

However, cautious about the authenticity of their find, Stevens remarked, “Until I actually hear from MC Hammer himself or Snoop Dogg, I don’t believe it.”

MC Hammer himself acknowledged the discovery on social media, indicating a man’s ownership rights over the items if proven true. Yet, Stevens remains vigilant, emphasizing the need for further authentication.

Regardless of the outcome, Cordova expresses satisfaction with their purchase, describing it as “amazing” and one of their most remarkable finds.

The story unfolds as the duo awaits potential confirmation from music legends and strives to uncover the authenticity and historical significance behind their extraordinary storage unit discovery.



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