Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024

Biden’s warning echoes: US launches a second night of Yemen strikes, targeting Houthi Radar facility



American forces execute precision air strikes following president’s stern caution – UK halts further raids amid rising tensions

In a decisive move, US forces have unleashed a second round of airstrikes in Yemen, fulfilling President Biden’s recent warning of swift action against Houthi provocations. Friday’s strikes pinpointed a Houthi radar facility, emphasizing America’s commitment to defending maritime security.

The strikes, emanating from the USS Carney (DDG 64) using Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles, come on the heels of the joint US-UK operation on Thursday. While the exact location of the targeted radar facility remains unclear, these raids are reported to be of a lesser magnitude than the preceding night.

The US Central Command released a statement confirming the strike, emphasizing its aim to degrade the Houthi’s capability to attack commercial vessels. The focus remains on safeguarding maritime interests in the Red Sea.

Contrary to the combined approach on Thursday, Downing Street announced that Britain would refrain from participating in additional raids against Houthi military targets. The decision reflects a shift in strategy amid escalating tensions in the region.

The backdrop to these events includes the Houthis launching a missile towards a ship in the Gulf of Aden on Friday. The group, reportedly targeting a UK vessel, “mistakenly” fired upon a tanker, causing heightened concerns in the volatile region.

As geopolitical tensions mount, the UKMTO reported multiple instances of small boats tailing ships in various areas, adding an element of unpredictability to the maritime situation.

The recent strikes follow the UK and US’s joint overnight operation, responding to weeks of Houthi attacks on Red Sea ships. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, authorizing military action in an Emergency Cabinet meeting, justified the strikes as a proportionate self-defense measure.

President Biden, reiterating the US commitment, warned of further strikes if Houthi provocations persisted, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the free flow of commerce. Notably, the joint operation garnered support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands.

In the aftermath of Thursday’s strikes, Houthi rebels vowed retaliation against the US and UK, further heightening tensions. The strikes, executed with precision weaponry, resulted in the elimination of military targets, including an airbase, airport, and army camp.

As the situation unfolds, both Iran and Hezbollah condemned the attacks as a clear violation of Yemen’s sovereignty. The geopolitical landscape in the region remains uncertain, with global powers closely monitoring developments in the wake of the recent military engagements.

Author : Atif Syed



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