Friday, September 27, 2024
Friday September 27, 2024
Friday September 27, 2024

Azerbaijan acquires JF-17 fighter jets from Pakistan in $1.6 billion deal



Azerbaijan’s air force strengthens its fleet with Pakistan’s JF-17 Block III fighter jets, solidifying military cooperation between the two nations

Azerbaijan has officially added the JF-17 Block III fighter jets to its air force fleet, following a $1.6 billion purchase from Pakistan. The multirole aircraft, known for its advanced avionics and long-range missile capabilities, was showcased at a ceremony at Heydar Aliyev International Airport in Baku. The event, part of the Azerbaijan International Defence Exhibition 2024, was attended by President Ilham Aliyev and Defence Minister Zakir Hasanov.

President Aliyev inspected the aircraft and witnessed an aerial demonstration that highlighted the fighter jet’s agility and manoeuvrability. Air Vice Marshal Hakim Raza of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex briefed Aliyev on the jet’s tactical capabilities and technical specifications.

Azerbaijan is the third country to acquire the JF-17 fighter jets from Pakistan, after Myanmar and Nigeria. The JF-17 Block III, developed in collaboration between Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group, is known for its versatility in both air-to-air and air-to-ground operations.

The deal, reportedly signed earlier this year, includes not only the fighter jets but also armaments and training for Azerbaijani personnel. During President Aliyev’s visit to Islamabad in July, he praised the agreement as a step forward in strengthening military cooperation between Pakistan and Azerbaijan.

This acquisition further bolsters Azerbaijan’s military capabilities and underscores growing defence ties between the two nations.



The deal signifies the deepening military cooperation between Pakistan and Azerbaijan, which could have broader geopolitical implications in the region. Azerbaijan’s acquisition of advanced fighter jets like the JF-17 Block III also signals its intent to modernize its military, enhancing its defence capabilities. This is particularly important given the regional conflicts and tensions Azerbaijan has faced in recent years. Pakistan, for its part, strengthens its defence industry by exporting a sophisticated fighter jet, further solidifying its presence in the global arms market.


Azerbaijan’s display of military strength with the acquisition of these jets may foster a sense of national pride among its citizens, especially given the geopolitical challenges the country faces. The close ties between Pakistan and Azerbaijan, underscored by this deal, also reflect the strengthening of relationships between Muslim-majority nations, which may be viewed positively in the context of Islamic solidarity.


This $1.6 billion agreement boosts Pakistan’s defence exports, a significant economic achievement for the country’s growing arms industry. The collaboration between Pakistan and China in developing the JF-17 jets is also a testament to the economic partnerships within the region, highlighting the increasing role of Asian countries in global defence trade.

For Azerbaijan, the deal is a major investment in its military, reflecting its willingness to allocate significant resources to defence modernization, potentially leading to further economic collaborations between the two nations in military training and technology transfer.


The JF-17 Block III fighter jet is equipped with advanced technology, including an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, providing Azerbaijan with cutting-edge military capabilities. This addition to Azerbaijan’s air force enhances its combat readiness for both defensive and offensive operations, particularly in light of recent conflicts in the region. The aircraft’s agility and versatility make it a significant asset for Azerbaijan’s air force in safeguarding its airspace and conducting precision strikes.


Azerbaijan’s purchase of JF-17s places it in the growing list of countries acquiring military equipment from Pakistan, which is increasingly seen as a reliable supplier of modern defence technology. This deal also showcases the collaboration between Pakistan and China in producing sophisticated fighter jets, further solidifying China’s influence in global arms sales. Additionally, the deal could prompt other nations, such as Iraq, which has been considering the purchase of JF-17s, to move forward with their own acquisitions.


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