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Saturday September 7, 2024
Saturday September 7, 2024

Asylum seeker, Ahmed Alid jailed for life after murdering a pensioner in ‘revenge’ for Israel-Hamas conflict



Alid, who also attacked his housemate, was given a minimum term of almost 45 years for his terrorist acts

Ahmed Ali, a Moroccan asylum seeker, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of pensioner Terence Carney, 70, and the attempted murder of his housemate, Javed Nouri, in Hartlepool. Alid’s actions, which he claimed were in revenge for the Israel-Hamas conflict, were deemed terrorist offences by the court.

Alid, 45, launched his brutal attacks on October 15, 2022, eight days after Hamas attacked Israel. He first attempted to murder Nouri, a Christian convert and former bodybuilder, by breaking into his bedroom and attacking him while he slept. Shortly after, Alid went into Hartlepool town centre, where he stabbed Carney six times. Doorbell camera footage captured Carney’s desperate cries for help as Alid repeatedly targeted him before walking away.

In a police interview, Alid justified his actions by stating that Israel had killed innocent children. During his arrest, he expressed further radical sentiments, indicating a desire for Gaza to be an Arab country again and voicing intentions to continue his “raid” if not for his injuries. Alid’s behaviour before the attacks, including his increased interest in the Israel-Hamas conflict and carrying a knife, had raised concerns among his housemates, leading Nouri to alert authorities.

The court heard that Alid was deeply displeased with Nouri’s conversion to Christianity, which added to the tension. Following the attack, Carney’s wife, Patricia, described the profound impact on her life, stating she no longer felt safe in town and was deeply affected by her husband’s senseless murder.

During the trial, the judge, Ms Justice Cheema-Grubb, highlighted Alid’s lack of remorse and the deliberate nature of his attacks. She sentenced Alid to a minimum of 44 years and 52 days in prison, acknowledging the significant trauma inflicted on his victims. Alid had denied murder, attempted murder, and assaulting two police officers, but was found guilty of all charges.

Javed Nouri, who survived the attack, expressed his disbelief and loss of trust in what he thought was a safe country. He criticized Alid for targeting vulnerable individuals, highlighting the shock and betrayal felt by those around him.


Ahmed Alid’s case underscores the devastating impact of radicalization and the complexities of addressing terrorist motivations. From a political perspective, this incident raises critical questions about the integration and monitoring of asylum seekers, particularly those from regions with ongoing conflicts. Governments may face increased pressure to enhance screening processes and provide support to prevent radicalization among asylum seekers.

Economically, the repercussions of such crimes can extend to broader societal costs, including heightened security measures and the allocation of resources to counter-terrorism efforts. The need for comprehensive deradicalization programs becomes evident, aiming to reintegrate individuals with extremist views back into society and prevent further acts of violence.

Sociologically, Alid’s actions highlight the challenges faced by multicultural societies in fostering coexistence and understanding among diverse groups. The tension between Alid and Nouri, rooted in religious and ideological differences, reflects the broader societal struggle with acceptance and integration. This case emphasizes the importance of promoting interfaith dialogue and education to bridge gaps and reduce prejudice.

Psychologically, the impact on the victims and their families cannot be overstated. The trauma experienced by Carney’s family and Nouri illustrates the profound and lasting effects of violent acts on individuals’ mental health and sense of security. Support systems for victims and witnesses of such crimes are crucial in helping them cope with their experiences and rebuild their lives.

From a legal standpoint, the sentencing of Alid sets a precedent for how terrorist acts motivated by international conflicts are addressed within the UK judicial system. The severity of the sentence reflects a zero-tolerance approach to terrorism, reinforcing the message that such acts will be met with stringent consequences.

The case also underscores the importance of community vigilance and the role of citizens in preventing terrorism. Nouri’s attempts to alert authorities about Alid’s concerning behaviour demonstrate the critical need for effective communication and intervention mechanisms within communities. Building trust between law enforcement and community members is essential for timely and effective responses to potential threats.

In conclusion, Ahmed Alid’s life sentence for the murder of Terence Carney and the attempted murder of Javed Nouri highlights multiple dimensions of the impact of terrorism, from individual trauma to societal implications. Addressing the root causes of radicalization, promoting integration, and ensuring robust legal and support systems are pivotal in preventing such tragedies and fostering a safer, more cohesive society.


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